Chapter 2: Not Acting Weird

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"For our victory!" Adam said raising his glass of water.

Everyone else on the table raised their glasses while repeating what my friend said.

After the game finished and our school won, Will, one of Matthew's and Adam's teammates, suggested that the team celebrated the special occasion in a homey diner where teenagers usually hang out in. Matthew and Adam practically begged me to come along since I don't usually go to this celebrations due to the fact that our school's soccer team always won. I, because they wouldn't shut up about it, leaving me with no choice and, also, because of my contemporaneous mental state, accepted. Halfway through the cheerful celebration, Adam stood up.

I managed to distract myself from thinking about the earlier man-spirits, although I feel that they are still here, still watching. And that makes me uneasy. I rather be at home painting right now than being here with a bunch of soccer players and cheerleaders pretending to have fun.

No one has mentioned anything about the soccer field event either. Everybody looks so calm and so collected as if nothing odd happened today. Everyone, except for Matthew and I.

"Are you all right?" I ask him. He looked up at me from his unfinished plate and smiled. But it wasn't a genuinely happy smile, it was a nervous smile.

"Yeah, I guess just tired from scoring too much goals." He said scratching the back of his neck.

"It was a pretty good game." I complimented, offering him a proud smile.

He visibly relaxed, just a little.

Adam sits down.

"Can I ask you something?" Matt asks both of us.

We wait for him to continue, instead, he nods to the back of the diner.

Adam and I stand up and follow him.

"Why is nobody acting weird?" He whispers even though all customers are in the front either talking or eating and they wouldn't hear us if we talked normally.

It takes me a while to understand what he is talking about and when I do I feel a sense of relief. At least it wasn't my imagination.

"Why should anyone be acting weird?" Adam asks, genuinely confused.

"You know what happened, Adam." Matt said and after a moment of silence he continues, "The fearsome spirits that appeared during the game?" He says it slowly, looking at Adam in astonishment.

"Matt, what in the world are you talking about?" Adam asks, concerned. Now I am more confused than before. How could Adam not had seen them? He was there when it happened, there is no way he didn't see them. So, why it seems like Matthew and me are the only ones who know what happened when over two hundred people were there when it occurred?

And, seconds of awkward silence pass before Matt speaks again.

"It was a joke, man. Wow, I didn't know you were that easy to trick."

"Dude, you had me worried. No more jokes, it is just wrong. Anyway, I'm going back to the table." Adam glares at his best friend and turns around.

Matthew leans his back against the wall and lets out a frustrated sigh when Adam is gone.

I take a deep breath and say, "I don't think you are insane and I know it wasn't a joke. I saw them too."

He jumps. Apparently, he forgot I was there. Not that I blame him, I just stood there the whole time listening to Matthew's startling questions and Adam's doubting responses. Moments later, his eyes widen as my words finally register in his brain.


"Look, I am as baffled as you are. Though, I find it interesting and surprising that my mind wasn't going through a temporary breakdown. Maybe we should pretend that nothing happened, maybe it's for the best." I declare, extending my hand towards him.

"You're right, we should." We shake hands, agreeing to forget about it. "Want to get out of here?"

"Sure, what do you have in mind?" I ask, already excited at the idea of spending time with him alone and getting out of this place.

"Do you want to watch a movie at my house?" He suggests.

"Lets!" I agree.

We tell Adam that we are leaving and he replies by saying a gross, witty remark. When Matthew walks off to say goodbye to the rest of the team I punch Adam on the arm.

"Ouch." He frowns, rubbing his arm.

"You deserved it." I give him an exaggerated smile.

"Not my fault you are so sensitive." He shots back and, instead of hitting him again, I glare at him. He rolls his eyes just as Matthew returns to my side. He takes my hand and we walk towards the exit.


"Hi Emily" I greet once Matthew and I are inside his house.

"Hi, sweetie. I feel that I haven't see you in such a long time. I'll make sure to chastise my son about it, later." Matthew's mom, Emily Smith, says in a joking way.

Matthew and I met in fifth grade when he moved to Orlando from Denver, Colorado. At first I didn't like him, I thought he was annoying, but he became Adam's friend, whom was my only friend back then, and, eventually, mine too. His mom works as an interior designer and his dad owns a chain of Italian restaurants around the city. His parents are like a second mom and dad to me. They treat me as their own daughter. When I became Matthew's friend, Emily insisted I called her by her first name, but I wouldn't give in. Eventually, I stopped calling her Mrs. Smith.

Matthew also has a brother who is currently studying engineering in Denver. His name is Ryan and he is three years older than us.

"Mom, you saw her last week." Matthew says in a matter-of-fact.

She ignores his remark and says, gleefully, "I'll be up in my room if you need me. Have fun!" She quickly disappeared into the hallway leading to the bedrooms.

"Matt, I love your mom." I stated, maybe for the hundredth time since I know her.

"I know," He says before walking to the stack of movies beside the DVD. "What do you want to watch?"

"The Amazing Spider-Man 2, please."

He looks for the movie in the stack and when he finds it he inserts the CD on the DVD player and sits beside me on the couch. I rest my head in the armrest, facing the TV screen, take my shoes off and bend my legs, my knees facing the ceiling. Matthew leans deeper into couch and places his feet on the table, crossing them, as the movie stars.

Halfway through the movie the armrest makes me uncomfortable and I sit up carefully, so as to not disturb Matthew, who is intently watching the fight going on in movie. I lean my back against the cushion and sit Indian-style. I feel less uncomfortable, still cold despite my clothing, so, I wrap my arms around myself in an attempt to heat up.

"Come here." Matthew says suddenly, I look at him with a raised eyebrow. He motions for me to come near him and I do. I rest my head on his shoulder and he wraps his arm around my waist, moving me closer to him. He grabs my legs and puts them over his.

A smile instantly takes over my face and I blush when he glances at me. Luckily, he doesn't see my rosy cheeks and shy smile thanks to the darkness of the room.

Author's Note
Discussion Questions:
Team Matthew or Team Adam? (I know in which team she is, but I am no spoiler!)

What does the event at the field earlier means? Why were Matthew and Jade the only ones - so far- who saw?

Remember to vote and comment!

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