Chapter 4: Inexplicable Feelings

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Why does the name sound so familiar?

Why every time I hear it, or even think about it, it makes me feel apprehensive and joyful at the same time?

"The essay about the American Revolution is due next class. And I don't want any excuses, you had more than over a month to write it. Remember the total word count is 8,000 minimum. Make sure it is well written and structurally organized. You are dismissed." Mr. Reynolds says before the bell rings, marking the end of History class.

My next class is English with Mrs. Aviary, a tall Australian teacher who likes to tell students about her personal life and experiences between her never-ending lessons.

"Goodbye, Mr. Reynolds." I said as I left the room.

"Goodbye, Miss Simons." He replies. One thing about Mr. Reynolds is that he always addresses students professionally except for times when he calls them by their names accidentally.

I reach the class within a few minutes and sit in the front row. Mrs. Aviary announces that today each of us will research about a popular author or poet listed on the board and prepare a short presentation that answers questions she will send to us regarding the author or poet later, it is due next class. I choose to research about Aristotle, an ancient Greek philosopher and scientist who was a writer as well.

I open google, type my author's name in the search bar and a bunch of websites come up a second later. I click the first one and begin to read. In the next fifty minutes, I answer all the questions, insert all the information and pictures on a PowerPoint, then add some effects to each slide. Satisfied with my final work, I save and close the presentation, and look for my sketchpad in my backpack.

When I can't find it, I remember that I left it on my bookshelf at home.

The sketch of the boy occupies my thoughts and I shudder.

Sighing, I open Google Chrome, again.

Subconsciously, I type in the search bar the name that has been bothering me ever since yesterday.

Sorry, we couldn't find any results for Mytharia.

It doesn't exist. I knew it was a joke. It has to be. But then, deep down I feel that it is real.

The bell rings, so I pack my stuff up and leave the classroom with the rest of the students who are excited for lunch.

"Hi, guys." I say once my friends and I meet in the hallway leading to our lockers.

"Hey, Jade." Matthew greets and Adam doesn't even look at me, still mad about yesterday.

Yesterday - which brings me back to what happened after yesterday's weird event. Well, everything went back to normal like last time, and Matthew and I pretended that nothing happened as we tried to concentrate on watching the movie. The movie was really good and, of course, the boys liked it, but they held too much dignity and pride to admit it. Matthew insisted that he drove me home, saying he wouldn't accept a no for an answer, so I agreed. Why are these boys so persistent? Anyway, my mom was asleep on the couch, I removed the laptop from her lap and placed it on the table. I draped a blanket over her body.

Back to the present, I notice that neither Matthew nor Adam are carrying their backpacks, I guess their teacher let them out of class early today. And to confirm my speculations, I ask Mathew, "Why don't you have your backpacks?"

"Mr. Jefferson let us out early." Matthew said.

I nod as I unlock my locker and place my backpack inside before closing it and locking it, again. The three of us walk to the cafeteria and Adam opens the door for us. I swear that he was going to close it on my face, but decided not to. We stand with the rest of the students waiting to get to the food counter and grab our trays. Once it's my turn, I ask for meat, rice and a salad, and after paying for my food I walk up to where Matthew and Adam are seated with some of their teammates and their girlfriends. Some of them greet or smile at me, the others too intrigued in their conversations to notice. I sit beside Sarah, across from Matthew. Sarah is not one of the boy's girlfriend, she is a cheerleader who I hang out with sometimes, I would say we are acquaintances, almost friends. We talked until the bell rang and separated for the last class of the day, I had Art and she had French. These classes are chosen by the student population based on our preference, these classes include Art, Music, French and Programming and Web Design, otherwise known as Computers. Each "elective" class only lasts one semester.

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