Chapter 7: A Second Chance

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Why are the gods and goddesses giving me a second chance? Why is my new apprentice Matthew, my best friend and ultimate crush, of all the unguarded wizards and witches scattered around the camp? Is this a test? A game? Or a payback?

Those thoughts kept me up most of the night. Honestly, I am ecstatic I was given another opportunity to show that I am a true guardian, but I feel apprehensive and angry about who my apprentice was destined to be. Still, and sadly, I have to deal with it. We, guardians, believe that the person who we are assigned to are part of an act of fate. Which means that person can't be changed because destiny chose it for you. We think that everything that happens is an act of fate.

In hindsight, I should've noticed before how acts of fate are so recurring in my life.

I went for a walk early in the morning when everyone was still asleep to just calm myself down and clear my mind. My steps were silent and my breathing even. I decided to practice my magic by the shore of the lake. The water helps me relax and enjoy the peacefulness of the environment. I take off my shoes and feel my feet sink in the sand.

Magicians are not like what you read in books or watch in movies. We don't use wands nor wear tall, pointy hats and robes. We could use a wand to perform magic if we want to, but seriously, would you use a wand when you could just move your hands? I don't think so. Also, we don't say rhymes with exotic words for spells. We do have a collection of prophecies inscribed like poetry, however.

We wear ordinary clothes. In Camp Mytharia, everyone wears the same shirt except for the directors and counselors, who wear a blue one with the camp's name.

At eight in the morning I went to Matthew's cabin. But before making my way to his cabin, I changed from my pajamas to a camp shirt, shorts and my black Converse. I plan to go to my house tonight to grab clothes and other stuff, meanwhile, Makenna is lending me some of her clothes. I am a little bit taller than her so her clothes are tighter on me, but not uncomfortable or exposing in any way. Since Matthew resulted determined yesterday, he was transferred to another cabin filled with other wizards in or around his level.

I open the door quietly so as to not disturb anyone sleeping. I spot the dark-haired boy I was looking for on the back of the cabin. Tiptoeing to his bed, I grin and stand before him. He looks so cute sleeping with his facial features so peaceful and calm. I ignore all the feelings I have towards him and shake him to wake him up. He fidgets, but doesn't awakes from his slumber.

"Matthew," I shake him more violently.

No reaction.

"Matthew." I whisper a little louder and shake him, again.

"Five more minutes, mom," He mumbles, groggily. I roll my eyes and look around for something to wake him up with since, clearly, my attempts are failing. An idea strikes.

I close my eyes and concentrate on water, how it sounds, how it flows, how it feels. I move my hand in circles and feel the magic working on its own. I open my eyes, feeling proud of what I've done as I stare at the magic in my hands. I try to wake Matthew once again, careful so as to not drop the water-ball I've created.

"Go away." He says and hugs the pillow tighter.

"Your choice," I muse before I drop the water ball directly on his face.

He wakes up with a jolt. He sees himself wet and then looks at me, furious. "What in the world, Jade?"

"Be ready in thirty. Go to the arena when you are done." I say and leave the cabin, feeling slightly triumphant. I laugh silently all the way to the arena and remember how angry he looked, which causes my laughter to grow.

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