Chapter 3: The Warning

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A week has passed since the incident at the field the night of the soccer game. Nothing unusual has happened since.

I take out my sketchpad from my bookshelf. Two days ago I started a new drawing. It started as random lines, both straight and curved. I gather my art pencils and colors and trace over the lines.

Then, I connect them, forming the outline of a shape, a person to be specific.

I color, then, shade certain areas.

It's a boy. His hair is a dirty blond. His eyes are a sky blue. His skin is pale. He smiles widely, white teeth showing. He wears a green shirt, jeans and old Converse.

I slam the sketchpad shut and place it back on my bookshelf.

I sit on my bed for a few minutes, resisting the urge to look at the drawing again. I felt something when I saw the boy, something strange; familiarity and guilt, along with sadness. It made me uncomfortable.

Contemplating, I finally decide to go outside for a walk. I grab my phone and headphones, and walk downstairs. I don't realize that my mom is in the living room before I hear her voice calling my name, making me halt nearly reaching the front door.

"Where are you going?" She asks as her eyes leave the computer screen.

"I am going to the park." I state.

"Why? You don't go for a walk unless something's wrong. What happened?" She asks with her eyebrows furrowed.

"Nothing's wrong. I just felt like it would be good for me to go out once in a while." I say, nonchalant.

"Okay." She says, although clearly she isn't convinced. She tells me to be back in an hour and to be safe. I tell her that I'll make sure of both things. Her eyes turn back to the screen.

She struggles to keep awake, the almost permanent tiredness palpable in her eyes. But, behind there is a determination to fulfill her work. I sometimes worry she works too much, but I know she does it to support our small family, which consists of just her and I. When my father died, a lot of the money we had immediately went to his younger sister by contract and my mom was forced to work twice as much. I insist on looking for a job, but she won't let me, saying it is her responsibility as a parent. Reluctantly, I promised her that I would get a scholarship for college.

After I opened the door and shut it behind me, I walk down the stairs of the front porch and in the direction of the park. Meanwhile, I listen to music.

Ten minutes later I reach my destination. The park is vacant and quiet, just like I expected. I sit on one of the swings and swing for a few minutes. I take out my phone when I feel it vibrate for the fourth time since I've left my house.

Hello - Matthew

Adam and I are in the movies, do you wanna come? I heard there are pretty good ones tonight. - Matthew

The movie starts in fifteen minutes, btw. - Matthew

Jade, my female friend. Answer him. I beg you. He won't stop looking at his freaking phone! - Adam

I laugh loudly at how desperate Adam sounds, although I know he is most likely exaggerating. Matthew's last text was sent to me five minutes ago, which means that I still have ten minutes to get to the theater before the movie starts. I reply to both boys with a text that says;

On my way. Be there in a few. - Jade

I also text my mom to let her know that I am going to the movies with some friends. When I say the word friends she knows that I am talking about Matthew and Adam, therefore, she doesn't ask, merely tells me to have fun and don't come home too late.

"I am in love with you. And I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed. And that one day all our labor will be returned to dust. And I know that the sun will swallow the only earth we will ever have. And I am in love with you." The voice of Augustus Waters booms through the speakers.

You guessed it right. We are watching The Fault in Our Stars.

I watch happily as the scene continues. Matthew and Adam groan and squirm in their seats every ten seconds.

"The movie is too cheesy. I think I'm going to throw up." Adam comments.

Matthew huffs.

"Hey! It's not my fault. She told me that it was a science fiction/action movie. She tricked me." He points at me accusingly.

I shrug innocently and whisper, "With a title like this, did you seriously expect evil robots and blood?"

"I'll get my revenge. You'll see." He threatens.

"I'd love to see you try." He rolls his eyes, however, keeps silent.

The girls in front of us turn around and shush us.

A few more minutes pass, when suddenly, the movie cuts. The screen goes black. The girl's fingers texting on my left stop at the word "Send". The boy who is about to leave the theater stops walking. The girls in front of us stop talking to each other.

I feel a sense of déjà vu as I analyze the situation, and I realize that this time I can move. I look at my friends and find Adam with his eyes closed and mouth opened, without a sound coming from his mouth. He's sleeping. Matthew, on the other hand, turns his head away from Adam and looks at me worried and alarmed.

A phrase is typed on the screen.


"Who are you?" Matthew demands, his voice trembling at the end.


"Is this some kind of twisted joke?" The words leave my mouth before I can stop them.


Author's Note
Discussion Questions (Comment your answers if you like!)

What do you think the sketch of the boy Jade made means? Why do you think she felt such strong emotions towards it?

What do you think about Jade's family?

What do you think the message in the movie screen at the theater means? Does this have any connection to the incident at the soccer field a few chapters before? Who do you think sent/typed it? Was it a joke? Or not?

What do you think about the plot of the story so far?

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