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Chapter 129: Seventh Year: Instinct


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text
"You told him!" Remus kissed Sirius as soon as they were alone.

"Well, he worked it out..." Sirius said, laughing, as he was pushed backwards into their bedroom. Lily and James had to head a prefect's meeting and Peter was still in detention. Remus had dragged Sirius upstairs as fast as he could, all aches and pains forgotten.

"But you told him." Remus insisted, running his tongue up Sirius's neck, collarbone to earlobe. Sirius shuddered and the backs of his knees hit the bed frame. Remus gave him a shove that was half urgent, half playful, and they fell back together.

"Merlin," Sirius gasped, as Remus continued his assault, climbing on top of him, a knee ether side of Sirius's hips, "If I'd known this was how you'd respond, I'd have told Prongs ages ag--"

"Shut. up." Remus kissed him hard on the lips, hands on Sirius's belt. Sirius obeyed.

Remus was a bit surprised, too. Who'd have thought that confession was such a turn on? If he wasn't careful, he'd be telling everyone he met.

"So," he said, half an hour later, sitting by the window in his boxers, lighting a cigarette. Sirius lay on the bed, still, vaguely stunned and staring at him. "It went well?"

"Hm?!" Sirius blinked very slowly, as if his eyelids were heavy. Remus grinned, exhaling smoke, trying to aim it through the crack in the window,

" James . What did he say?!"

"I think the first thing was 'what the fuck are you playing at', but it got better from there." Sirius snorted.

"Did he ask lots of questions?"

"Sort of. Nothing I didn't expect, I s'pose. What about Evans?"

"She said 'oh my god' about a hundred times, but she came around fairly quickly."

"Prongs too. Except the prat won't tell Wormtail for us, says we have to do it."

"Well. Fair enough." Remus sucked on his cigarette again, then blew smoke into the room, watching it fill the space between them. "What questions did he ask?"

Sirius closed his eyes, breathing in.

"Nothing scandalous. How long for, when did it start, why didn't I tell him... that sort of thing."

"What did you say?"

"I told the truth. Roll us a fag?"

Remus already had. He held it out. Sirius rolled onto his stomach and reached his long pale arm through the smoke to take it, placed it between his pursed lips and snapped his fingers. He sucked, then rolled back, exhaling with a sigh.

"How'd you feel?" Remus asked, unable to tear his eyes away. It still seemed miraculous beyond belief. Sirius Black, naked, in my bloody bed .

"Right now? Bloomin' marvellous." Sirius winked, wickedly. "About Prongs? Ok. Good, I think." He stretched, hand disappearing under one of the pillows. "What's this?"

"Oh!" Remus blushed, jumping up from the window, "I got some letters back. Ferox is ok. And, erm..."

"Grant." Sirius's lip curled as he picked up the postcard Grant had sent from Brighton. It had a colour photo of the pier on the front, the sea looked blue and the sun was shining. Remus was so glad he had sent it. It was nice to picture Grant in a bright, cheerful place like that. Sirius continued smoking as he read it. "He's seeing someone with a nice body but he misses you?!"

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