Chapter 139: Seventh Year: Drunkards
(See the end of the chapter for notes.)
Chapter Text
Better get yourself together darlingJoin the human race
How in the world you gonna see
Laughing at fools like me
Who on earth d'you think you are
A superstar?
Well, right you are
Well we all shine on
Like the moon and the stars and the sun
Well we all shine on
Ev'ryone come on
"Right. Pub, then?" Lily said, business-like once more. "I think we'd better go back to Hogsmeade, don't you? I don't fancy our chances apparating back to Scotland drunk..."
"Yeah, good plan," Remus nodded, wiping his nose on his sleeve, still sniffing. "...where's James?"
"Well we realised that it was going to look really suspicious if both the head boy and the head girl were missing," Lily laughed. "So he went back to cover for us. He um... he sent Sirius. We both thought..."
"It's ok." Remus nodded. He finally turned to address the dog, sitting patiently by. "Sirius?"
He transformed back at once, and stood there looking awkward, rubbing one arm with the other.
"Hello, Moony." He said, softly.
"Hi." Remus nodded back, suddenly very shy.
"Oh, Remus, I forgot!" Lily broke the atmosphere. She handed him a small square cardboard box. A carton of Silk Cut. "James's idea," she shrugged.
"Life saver, thanks!" Remus accepted them gratefully.
"I'd better go and get in touch with him, actually," Lily continued, glancing between the two boys, "Black, give me the mirror? I'll go and let him know where to meet us."
Sirius handed her the compact, and she smiled at them both, before walking a little ways away - so that she was just out of earshot.
Remus sat down on the bench, opening the box of fags with his teeth, then pulling one out. He held it up to Sirius,
"Light it for me? I'm so nervy it'll probably blow up in my face."
Sirius clicked his fingers, and the cylinder lit. Remus sucked on it appreciatively. Sirius sat next to him.
"Moony I'm--"
They both tried to speak at once, then smiled at each other timidly.
"Sirius." Remus said, "I'm sorry. I was a twat."
"You were." Sirius nodded, taking a cigarette of his own. "But you weren't completely wrong."
"Nor were you." Remus sighed. "I dunno what's wrong with me."
"There's nothing wrong with you, Remus." Sirius touched his knee, gently, looking him in the eye. He was in muggle clothes, which was a nice change, Remus thought. Black jeans and his black leather jacket. Remus smiled.
"You look really good."
"So what else is new." Sirius stuck out his tongue. He turned solemn again, "I couldn't believe it when Prongs told me about the letter. I felt like shit for shouting at you, I just wanted to make sure you were ok, then he said you'd gone..."