Chapter 8

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*** TAYLOR POV ***
As I lay slouching on the sofa listening to the loud music beating through my earphones
Scrolling through Instagram
I decided to make a few edits
It's just something to do
Being home alone is so boring but scary I hate being home alone
Mum promised she'd be back in an hour, but she never sticks to what she says
When she says "about an hour" it turns into "about 2 hours"

I found some of my old one direction edits
They were cringy and not so good but if I change a couple words on here and put it in a different font it will be okay

I sat up straight on the sofa getting all into this edit trying to get it "perfect"

" we're not fans
We're Bambinos
We're not obsessed
We're dedicated
We're not friends
We're family"

It looked so good put a few pictures in the background faded the writing a little

Then I got a message off someone and clicked off the editing app

It was mum

"Hi Hun, nearly home put the kettle on"
Oh finally I'm not alone for much longer
Off I went into the kitchen with my phone in my hand ready to finish my edit
But this time the edit wasn't there
It had been deleted
I spent so long doing a stupid edit now it just disappears when I click off the app

Mum walked in

"Taylor where are you"

"In the kitchen mum"

"Oh good, made us a cuppa?"

"Yeah here mum, how was your day"

I kinda zoned out after I asked she was babbling on for ages and I just got back to editing

It ended up being this rubbish little quote that no one would use but I posted it on Instagram anyway to see what people thought of it

"This is cute"
"We're a family"

It seemed like everyone liked it
So i went off to make some more rubbish edits since they seemed more popular

Diary Devries (Leondre Devries)Where stories live. Discover now