Chapter 17

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The days just flew by while I'm at my nana

Don't have to worry about anyone running into my room and worrying me

Just quite
And helping clean the house but I don't mind helping nan and grandad

*mum ringing you*

Ugh here we go
Sobbing because she wants me home or something

I answered the phone


I could just hear someone crying

"Mum what did you want" I questioned

"Taylor please come home we need to talk"

"I want to come home but I'm scared, could you come round here to sort this out"


Mum came straight over and we talked about everything that happened

She said I was being another Lewis that ran away

But I'm going home now
Really if it wasn't for Leo and Joey I probably would have done something much worse then just running away

I asked a few friends on a group chat if we should do a hashtag for Leo and Charlie

They all said yes

Then I came up with #WeLoveBamBecause

It was kinda my way of saying thank you

I don't know what I'd say to Charlie we still haven't spoke much

But I don't want this to become one of those popular hashtags and leave Charlie out

I had to message my followers who liked the boys then got them to message their followers about the hashtag


The time I chose for everyone to tweet the hashtag

Few people tweeted

I text leondre

Maybe he'll see something and help

He read the text and went straight to Twitter

*BarsAndMelody Retweeted your tweet*

Leo was retweeting from the hashtag and everyone joined


I got so many mentions

"@BarsAndMelody it was @LeondresGirl who started #WeLoveBamBecause"

*BarsAndMelody Messaged You*

Leondre messaged me saying thank you and that he loved me

Nothing made me smile more then knowing I made the boys smile

A/N sorry it's been so long since my last update I keep changing things in the older chapters and I've been busy finishing school then fractured my wrist but I'll try update more now
Thank you

Diary Devries (Leondre Devries)Where stories live. Discover now