Chapter 19

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I was wrong

It hurt

Not the pain in my arms

But watching my mum in tears talking to my grandad to convince me to go home

How could I do this to her

Maybe I should go home

But I can't
I'm scared


I made up my mind and was packed and in the car ready to go home

I sat in the back and Ben scooted into the middle seat and cuddled me

"Thank you" Ben whispered to me before mum jumped into the drivers seat

"Promise to not leave again, I missed you" Ben whispers once more


As the car reached the top of the street the nerves started to kick in

What if dad will do it again what if he hurts me more the next time


My phone lit up to signal a text off Leo

It read
"I don't know where you are and how your feeling but I hope this cheers you up, my name is leondre Devries and no matter what ever happens you'll always be my princess and I love you, hope everything is going okay and your safe love you millions"

This boys never fails to make me smile

No matter what he's doing there's always an extra minute or two just to message and tweet his fans


01:40 the clock read

The first night being back at home since my dad went weird and I can't sleep

Every time I close my eyes a vision of him being like that again kept popping into my head

My phone.. I decided to go onto Instagram and Twitter take my mind off things


I finally fell asleep the last time I checked my clock it was 04:02

Let's see what happens tomorrow and make up my mind about being here

Diary Devries (Leondre Devries)Where stories live. Discover now