Chapter 2

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Y/n's pov
I stand there in shock and fear while me and Topper stare at each other. "So y/n what are you doing here?" Topper says to break the awkward silence. "Oh just here to hang out with a friend" I say back causing a conversation. "Oh sorry but Sarah's already hanging out with me" topper says thinking I'm here for Sarah. "I'm not here for Sarah I'm here because I want to hang out with Rafe" I say back. "So you and Rafe are friends now, looked like he was trying to choke you the other day" topper says. "No that was me I made him choke me" I say back to topper. "Can we go now Rafe" I whisper to him. "Yeah come on we can hangout in my room" he says. We walk off to his room. I walk around looking at all his things. "Your room is very boring did you know that" I say to him still looking at his stuff. "What are you doing to do about it make it all aesthetic?" He says joking. "Yes actually" I say back not joking. "No no no i was joking" "and I wasn't" I walk over to his computer and turn it on. "Password" I say without looking over at Rafe. Rafe walks over to me and spins me 180° so I facing him then picks me up and throws me on the bed. I luckily didn't get hurt. I sit up and see Rafe turning off the computer. "Your not going to decorate my room it's fine how it is thanks" he says. I roll my eyes and get up. I walk over to the door frame. Rafe turns around. "Where are you going?" He says. I look over at him. "I'm going to go to the kitchen I'm hungry" I say, I already know where everything is because my dad used to come here a lot when I was younger and he would always bring me and jj because he didn't trust us around the house home alone. "That's very risky, Topper could still be down there" I roll my eyes. "When will you get I'm not afraid of Topper" I say to him annoyed. I walk out of his room and down the stairs to the kitchen. Topper and Sarah were also in the kitchen. I walk over to the pantry and open the door. I look around to find something very specific. "Do you need help finding the thing you want?" Sarah asks me. I look over at her and Toppers now sitting next to her. "Um yes please do you guys have Oreos?" I ask. Sarah nods and walks over to the pantry and grabs me a packet of Oreos and hands me to me. "Thank you" I close the pantry and walk back up the stairs to rafes room. I sit down on his wheelie chair. Rafe looks over at me and sees me with Oreos, he walks over to me and steals one. "Hey that's mine" I steal it out of his hand. "Not now" he steals it back. "Fine you can have it but don't expect me to give you more unless I don't want them" he nods then walks back over to his bed. "So I was thinking-" he says then I cut him off. "Did it hurt?!" He looks at me with a serious face. "No it didn't hurt and what I was thinking Is we should put led lights up in my room" I look over at him "so your not letting me decorate your room but want me to help you put your led lights up?" He looks over at me "fine I'll let you decorate my room only if you help me" "yay!" I yell. "But first we need to buy the led lights" we walk out of the room to his car and hop in I hop in the back because I'm used to that and Rafe looks at me. "Why are you in the back?" I look at him. "Because whenever I'm with my friends I always have to sit in the back" I look away sadly trying not to make eye contact with him. "Well you will always sit in the front in my car" Rafe says. I look up at him really fast with a excited face. I hop out of the back and go into the front. We both buckle up and drive to the shopping place. We both hop out. We walk into the shop and find the leds. Rafe picks them up and then let's me pick out some decorations for his room. I pick out some fake vines, paper for pictures and a plant. We go to the front and buy them. We walk to the car and put them into the boot. I hop in the drivers seat as a joke but Rafe takes it too seriously. I look over at him. "You can drive" he says while hoping in the front passenger seat. "What but I don't even have my license yet" I say confused. "Well your getting it tomorrow so I time driving won't hurt" he says. I roll my eyes and we both buckle up. I start the car and start driving away. I drive to the Cameron's house and park the car in their driveway. "You did pretty good for your first time driving" I look over at him. "Second duh" he looks at me blankly "driving test!" "Ohhhhhh yeah I forgot about that" you both laugh. You get out of the car then Rafe does. You open the boot and grab out the plant and fake vines and Rafe grabs out the led lights and paper. We walk into the house and Sarah and Topper sees us. "What's that for?" Topper says, "Are you moving in!" Sarah yells excited. "No I'm not moving in and these are for Rafes room" I say. Topper looks over at Rafe. "Are you seriously letting a stupid pouge decorate your room?" Rafe looks over at Topper. "One, she's not a stupid pouge, two, she's my friend and three I said that she could" Topper rolls his eyes and I walk up the stairs. Rafe follows me and we walk to his room. "Sorry I couldn't hold this plant much longer it's heavy" I say to Rafe. "It's alright I understand" Rafe says back. "So let's put your leds up" I say and then walk over to him. I grab the led lights packet and Rafe grabs my hand trying to grab the packet from me and instantly takes his hand off. I over/up at him and he looks down avoiding eye contact. I look back over at the led lights packet and start unboxing it. "So are you going to help me or not?!" I say still opening the led lights packet struggling. He still doesn't look at me. "Come on im struggling and need a strong man to help me" he still doesn't look at me. "Fine then I'll go ask Topper for help" I start walking away "no I'll help you!" He says before I exit the room. I turn around and walk back over to him and hand him the led packet. He opens it and we start putting them up. We finish and I grab the plant. I put it next to his desk and rubbish bin. I walk over to the computer and turn it on. "Password" Rafes walks over and does the password. Then my Instagram shows up and he quickly exits that. "What were you doing on my Instagram?" I ask. "Following it ofcourse" he says fake smiling but I don't notice it. I go on Pinterest and print a whole bunch of aesthetic photos. I get up and walk to the office and grab all the photos. I stick them on his wall while he sits on his bed scrolling on his phone. I didn't know what he was looking at. "I finished" I say looking over at him. He looks up and turns off his phone and turns on the led lights. "You did an amazing job y/n" he says. "Thank you" I say I sit down next to him on his bed.

(Discontinued) True Pyscho Love, Rafe Cameron x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now