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CHAPTER SIX I'm gonna be fine

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I'm gonna be fine

I lay in the bed curled up tears falling from my eyes Jackson had left bruises all Over my body even my jeans and tops couldn't cover them all I was hurt my body was aching I hadn't felt the outside air in weeks I hadn't seen my friends I felt alone.

"Eat or you'll end up dying."
"Im not hungry."
"stop being stupid"
"how would you feel being abused on the daily by someone you loved feeling alone not seeing your friends not getting to see the world."
"It's not that bad."
"not that bad, my body is weak I'm in pain I want to go you can be with louise or whatever just let me go."
"your a bitxh not one person could love you."
And just like that his hand was across my face and he left the room.


2 months had went by
Pretty quick I had been doing pretty good life was much better after Tiffany I could be happier and see more places without her missing me 24/7 I had heard her show had released I was happy for her she had dreamed of being in a show since she was little and she's done it.

"remember that girl from the club the one I got on well with"
"I think so but that was 2 months ago"
"yeah well I've been keeping in touch with her and I want to ask her to be my girlfriend"
"Oh that's great"


Jackson slammed the front door probably away to go see louise
I took my brown teddy bear coat and left.

my pov

As it started to get dark as the rain started pouring like hail as the lightning struck here and there the thunder grumbling loud and clear she walked in the rain until she met a pair of brown eyes as she was walking through the town light up with lights some turning off as it was closing time she saw these gorgeous brown eyes wanted to see who the person was as he approached her
"Your soaking wet here take this" the brown eyed boy took his jacket off his brown hair started to hold the rain as his soft hair started to get wet from the rain as she stood there
"No please I'm perfectly fine thank you for offering." She refused as she felt bad he would get soaking
"I'm not offering take it love"
He slipped the black puffer jacket on me it being too big for me as he pulled it on he zipped it up on me
"Seriously take it back it belongs to you"
"No keep it now let's get you out of the rain"
He grabbed my hand practically dragging me through the rain as we reached the coffee shop.
still open at 9pm?
He took me in as I pulled my hood down
We sat as he looked at the menu
"What would you like?"
"The hot chocolate sounds nice"
"Just what I was thinking"
"Great minds think alike."
she said staring into his brown eyes
The brunnette boy ordered the hot chocolates and
They sat talking about how bad the weather was and how they didn't expect it
"So what brings you into London at this time of the night?"
"An argument happened."
She had quickly covered her bruise she had before she left with foundation but as the rain came from nowhere It must have washed off from the young girl's face
Revealing the purple swollen bruise
The brunette boy sat there in shock as he stood up and kneeled beside her
"Are you alright?" He said looking at it
"What do you mean What's wrong?"
"Your face a purple bruise?"
He passed his phone to her putting her into Snapchat to see
She used her soft cold fingertips to press the bruise
"Hey hey don't touch it, do you remember how you got it"
"Yeah." She said looking down
"are you comfortable talking"
"Ehm" she looked down the brunette regretting asking thinking he made it awkward
"Yeah I'll tell you"
She explained her and her boyfriend got in an argument and she was slapped and that's why she was in london
"I'm so sorry I should've noticed sooner"
"I was covering it you weren't Able to see it"
"Does he normally do that?"
"Since the last 2 months he has"
"Did you ever tell anybody?"
"I couldn't this was the first time I've left the house in the last 2 months"
"And I can't tell my family because love him and they would instantly turn on me and say I cheated or something"
"Clearly not family then" the boy muttered under his breath
She sent a confused look to the boy
She sipped the last of her hot chocolate before grabbing her phone from her pocket she took the boys coat off and placed it down
"I'm heading to the bathroom"
She went and washed her face looking at the bruise detail by detail
She headed back to her seat to see the boy sat staring at her
"Don't you have things to be doing brown eyed boy?"
"Nope well not for a full week I'm off"
"Lucky you."
"I guess so"
"Here have your jacket back honestly thank you for tonight it was amazing you calmed me down a lot and can't thank you enough"
"No keep it I've got one in the car"
"Oh thank you very much"
"I'll give you a lift home if you would like"
"Nah I know a hotel only about a 5 minute walk from here"
"Your seriously staying in a hotel?"
"Yeah why wouldn't I"
"You can stay with me"
"No honestly it's fine thank you for your offer"
Before she could turn to resist he had already paid and looped hands with the girls and pulled her from the cafe and headed to the black merc parked with a private licence plate
He put her in the passenger side as the rain hit the car he buckled and started driving
"You know where the hotel is?"
"Don't be silly your not going to a hotel"
"Listen it was normal everything will sort itself out anyways just let me go I'll be fine." She said as she barely knew the guy but he had built a path of trust in the matter of an hour
"Here" he parked on a stone drive as he jumped out as she grabbed her phone from her lap he opened her door grabbed her hand he pulled her hood up as the two locked eyes not breaking the bond their eyes had made
He closed the door after she moved from it he grabbed her hand as they ran up the driveway to the front door the rain hitting them like a waterfall he opened the door still having a hold on her warm hand he pulled her in as she shivered
"Your shivering"
She just smiled as she locked eyes with the boy
"Here come with me"

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