Chapter Fourteen: Enough about you! What about us? What about ME?

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(a/n) feliz navidad 🎄🎅


"Do you think they're gonna get a divorce?"

Celena shrugged, staring down, into her glass of coca cola, "I wish they did. It's better than having to live with the both of them, I mean they can't even stand each other." She exhaled heavily, the thought of her parents frustrating her.

"Don't say that," Atlas told her older sister. "They're just going through a rough patch."

"How rough is a rough patch, where they're always at each others' throats? They hate each other, and Lauren hates me too..."

Atlas sighed, she placed a comforting hand her sister's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. "She doesn't hate you. She hates mom, and that's totally different."

Celena laughed softly. Unbeknownst to them, Camila had been looking on at them in silence. She was coming down to ask the girls if they wanted to go with her to school. It had been some time since she and her kids had been alone and she thought that it would've been a nice change. Her heart sank when she heard what her daughters had been saying, and the look on Celena's face was enough to break it.

"Maybe they should just get a divorce. Camila can take you, and Lauren can take me, and some years from now, we can have our own take on Parent Trap." Atlas said, trying to lighten the mood, it was in her nature to never be too serious.

The village idiot if you will, even though they weren't living in a village, but you get what I'm trying to say.

"Yeah, that's if Lauren even wants to be my mother..." Celena sighed heavily. "Anyways," she stood, "We should get ready to leave for school."

Camila decided it was time to make herself known. She stepped out from behind the wall, "Hey, girls."

"Hey, mom. Good morning," both girls said in unison.

"I was thinking that I can head to the boutique a bit late today and was wondering if you girls would like for me to drop you off to school?"

Celena and Atlas looked at each other, shrugged and said "Okay," all at the same time.

Camila knew she had to tell Lauren about what she had heard but she wasn't sure how to bring it up, and she wasn't sure if Lauren would believe her. Maybe she was just making all this up just to fix things between the both of them. They were both being selfish, sure their feelings were valid, but what about their daughters? Didn't they stop and think that maybe they were hurting them too?

People need to stop rushing to have kids, and projecting their trauma onto them, or into the environment that their children will have to grow up in.

Someone once said; 'Heal before having children, before your children need to heal because they have you for parents.' And I think that's important, why bring children into this world only to push unnecessary trauma onto innocent kids.

Personally speaking, my parents should've tried healing themselves first before they had me, but here I am, in all my mentally unstable glory.

"So," Camila looked at her kids through the rearview mirror in her car. "How are the both of you doing? How has school been?"

The same generic questions, every single time.




It's like they were asking about their wellbeing, just for asking sake, not that they cared to know the answer, but rather to pretend that they were the world's best parents. What were they going to do, if one day, either of their daughters had responded with; "I'm not doing well," or maybe a "School has been shit and I've been failing all my classes."

Why Did I Get Married; Part Two ☾☀︎ CamrenWhere stories live. Discover now