Chapter Fifteen: It'll be okay

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"What's going on?" Camila asked her wife. Lauren had shared the news of Francesca being warded at the hospital to her relatives, some (of course) weren't even concerned and opted to stay at home, at work or anywhere else but here because they knew someone would've stepped up so they didn't have to.

Lauren, their daughters along with Maggie were sat in the waiting room, there were no news on Francesca's wellbeing as yet.

"They said she just passed out," Lauren told her wife, despite her being worried about her own sister's wellbeing, whatever they were going through right now, she knew that Francesca had been like a mother to her, and that Camila would be completely shattered if something were to happen to the woman. "Apparently, she came for a check up. Has she told any of you about that?"

Maggie and Camila both shook their heads 'no'.

"You know how secretive she is, especially with us. She doesn't tell us anything," Maggie said referring to both her and Lauren. Her favourite was Paul, but some might argue and say that Maggie was included in that as well, given that she was the youngest in the family. She was like a daughter to her. "I hope she's okay."

"I'll go see if I can get any news on her," Camila told them. She approached the information desk. "Hi, I'm Francesca Jauregui's sister in law. Can you tell me what's going on with her?" She asked the nurse, who did some typing into her computer before she responded.

"They're currently running some tests on her," the nurse informed Camila. "You should be able to speak with a doctor soon once they're done."

Camila told her 'thank you' and rejoined her family, letting them know what she had just learnt. She sat, thinking about all the times she noticed Francesca leaving early during the mornings, how she had stopped joining them for breakfast, that her plate would remain mostly untouched during lunch, something was wrong with her and no one noticed.

Knowing Francesca, she didn't want to worry anyone with her problems, so maybe that's why she hid it from them; whatever her diagnosis was, but still, they were a family. Family should be there to support you in your time of need. So why didn't she let them?

"She'll be okay," Lauren said, her voice snapping Camila out of her thoughts.

"What?" Camila asked, not having heard what her wife had just said.

"I said, she'll be okay. It's Francesca. Whatever it is, she'll be okay, I'm sure she will," Lauren told her wife, trying to comfort her.

Camila nodded, she was beyond worried. She didn't know what anyone would ever do if something were to happen to her. When Lauren's parents had died, Francesca had stepped up, and became a parental figure in their lives, and when Camila joined the family, Francesca had taken her under her wing.

Although, she had no children of her own, she had mothered many.

"Where's the little gremlins?" Atlas asked her aunt, trying to take their minds off Francesca for a moment. There was nothing they could've done right now because they were unaware as to the severity of her condition.

"They're with their dad," Maggie told her niece. "I couldn't handle their annoying asses at the hospital, so José has to hold down the fort for this one."

Maggie was the definition of 'fuck them kids' and she meant it too.

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