Chapter Two: Meet The Familia

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"Hey, can you do my math homework for me?"

Celena looked up from her book, raising an eyebrow in question at her younger sister. "And why can't you do it?"

"I'm dumb, you know this," Atlas said like it was the most obvious thing in the entire world. "Plus, I hate math. Please? I'll write your essays for you."

"You're technically the smarter one between the both of us," the older sister pointed out. "It can't be that hard for you."

"Yeah, but I'm still dumb."

Celena rolled her eyes even though she was going to do the homework for her sister. "Fine," she sighed.

"Great!" Atlas said cheerfully, as she practically shoved her books in her sister's face. "Make sure to show your working. Mrs Martínez picks on me all the time, and I don't want to look like an idiot when I have to do it on the board."

"You look like an idiot either way," Celena shrugged, causing Atlas to shove her. "So I'm trying to see your point here."

"Oh fuck you!" She rolled her eyes. "Now do my homework."

The sisters worked together, quietly in their family's lavish library. They all lived together under the same roof. The house was the epitome of as one would say 'boujee'.

All that could have been heard as the sisters worked, was the sound of paper turning, and the occasional shuffling from either of them.

Atlas sighed heavily after about an hour or so working on her sister's essays. She usually got distracted rather easily. "So...are we going to address the elephant in the room or no?"

Celena closed Atlas' math book, as she was now done with it. On more than one occasion, she would have to 'help' and by help, I mean, do her sister's math homework because she absolutely hated that subject. "I mean, I know you gained a bit of weight, but I won't exactly call you an elephant." She said as she spun to face her sister, rocking back on her chair, smirking.

"I'm going to tell, mom!" Atlas whined. "You're always so mean to me."

"I'm mean to you because you're mean to me." Celena pointed out, which technically was true, but come on, older sisters are punching bags. "And it's not like mom would care." She shrugged. "The both of them are in their own little world."

"That's what I meant by the 'elephant in the room', dumbass," Atlas said, as she slid her sister's assignments on the table back to her, the other doing the same. "Are you okay?" She asked once she realised her sister wasn't going to comment on it.

Celena shrugged. "What does it matter, anyway? It's not like that's going to fix anything."

"I know it isn't going to, I'm just asking if you are," Atlas said. "I know...everything must be pretty hard on you."

Hard was an understatement.

The girl sighed heavily, running a hand through her hair, to untangle some of the knots in it. "I guess, but I mean, it's sucks major ass that mom isn't my mom. But I love her, she's the only other parent I ever knew and I just...I hope she still loves me too."

Atlas stood and took a seat on the table, in front of her sister. "Hey, of course she still loves you. You know she's never been good with dealing with her feelings."

"Like that time you placed third overall in finals and she almost nailed your ass to the cross?"

"Sigh, that was a tough year," the younger Jauregui daughter pouted. "She and Ma threatened not to take me to Canada with you guys!"

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