Chapter Six: The Issues

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Camila was currently standing under the shower with her eyes shut tightly, as she allowed the beads of water to hit her and roll down her body. She was already finished washing herself off, but now, she was just relaxing trying to clear her head in preparation for their upcoming counselling session.

Their therapist had informed them that she would rather make home visits, so all the couples needed to be ready for ten o'clock. The children were already at school, so hopefully, there wouldn't be any disruptions.

Camila, along with literally everyone else despised the idea of family therapy, but there was this thought at the back of their minds that made them wonder 'what if?'

What if therapy was a good thing and they returned to the family that they used to be?

What if therapy would take them back to when they had once loved and cared for one another?

What if therapy helped their marriages and their relationships with their children?


Camila sighed heavily, and turned off the shower, sensing that it was nearing their therapy session. She wrapped the towel around her body as she stepped out of the shower, to rummage through her closet. Lauren was already downstairs, awaiting Lilly Singh, as her wife knew that someone sensible had to greet the therapist.

No one had any expectations of what today's session was going to be, but they were definitely not expecting this.


"Good morning again, everyone," Lilly greeted the couples, as they all took a seat in the living room. Paul had arranged for the room to be fixed for their sessions. "How is everyone doing?"

No answer.

Maggie rolled her eyes, before responding to the woman. "I guess things have been okay. I can't really complain. I mean I can but I won't."

The therapist nodded. "I see. Is it relating to the little assignment that I gave you? How did that go?"

Maggie sighed dramatically. "It was agonising to say the least. I can't remember the last time I genuinely complimented any of my siblings."

"Anyone else? What were your thoughts on the the assignment?" Lilly asked. "Camila?"

Camila shrugged. "It was...alright." She glanced at Catherine. "It made me realise something...but I'm not ready to share it just yet." She spared a fleeting look at her wife who wasn't paying any attention to her.

"And that's okay, Camila. Just know that this right here is a safe environment and if and when you're ready to share, we are willing to listen." Lilly directed towards her client. "What about you, Lorenzo? How was the assignment?"

The man only shrugged in response, not willing to share anything, or he possibly just didn't care. It was court ordered, so he was practically forced to be here and pretend to care about his family.

Doctor Singh made a note of this along with everyone else's response to her assignment. She had asked the siblings along with their spouses to give a genuine compliment to one another, and it was a somewhat success.

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