Chapter Seventeen: Have you decided?

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"Knock, knock."

No answer.

"Knock, knock," Atlas mumbled against her sister's bedroom door. "Do you want to build a snowman?"

"Go away, Atlas!" Celena yelled. Ever since their therapy session, and all the unbolted emotions, Celena kept to herself. She barely came out of her room, ate, did anything to begin with. Her family kept trying to get her out, but she didn't budge. Camila had advised Lauren against trying to speak with her. It didn't do much good to begin with; given how their session had played out.

"It doesn't have to be a snowman," Atlas said not relenting. "Bitch, if you don't open this fucking door right this fucking second, I will rip it the fuck down!!" Atlas said banging on the door. "I gave you more than enough time, but you can't spend forever moping behind those four walls. So one....."

Before she had the chance to finish her count, Celena opened the door, looking somewhat disheveled, as though she had been crying.

As though that was all that she had been doing.

"What do you want?" Celena grumbled.

"Well, I wanted to see if you were okay....but clearly you aren't. You look like a hot mess," Celena sighed in response, stepping aside for her sister to enter her room. "Go take a shower, put on some clean clothes and comb your hair."

"Did you come here to bully me?" Celena questioned.

Atlas took a seat on top of her sister's desk. "No, but yes but no. I came here to make you stop wallowing in your self pity. The session wasn't the best but at least you got to say how you're feeling and so did mom. I'm not saying what you're feeling is wrong, but you can't remain in this shit state forever. You have to pull yourself together, because you're going to be okay. We're going to get through this together as a family."

Celena sighed heavily. "Fine, but I'm going to complain throughout it."

Atlas laughed loudly

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Atlas laughed loudly. "That's the spirit. After you're done getting ready, we're heading down for breakfast." She noticed the worry in her sister's eyes. "Don't worry, Lauren's not here. She packed some things and left to spend some time in the beach house." Celena nodded. "She said to tell you how sorry she is. You don't have to forgive her just yet, but just know that she is actually sorry."

"Okay..." Celena said slowly. "Well, I'm going to take a shower, I'll see you downstairs."

"You better," Atlas said hopping off the desk. "Or else, I'm coming back up to get you."


"Is she coming down?" Camila asked her younger daughter when she took a seat at the breakfast table. Their other family members were sat and engaged in conversation, with the exception of both Lauren and Celena.

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