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Ree POV:

Y/N was missing for a year now, I missed her so much I couldn't live without her. I mean that literally, I tried to hang myself 4 times already but one of the boys caught me... I was just fed up. I never went out my room. Barely ate anything. And just sat in the dark staring at the floor. I have scares on my wrist from cutting myself so much, I'd always tell myself 'she's dead, I just know it' Until Eddie came into my room with tears in his eyes 'They've found her dead body, I just know it' I thought. Then he sat down and just hugged me, I was confused.
Eddie=norm   Ree=bold

"They've found her..."

"She's dead?"

"Luckily no"


I jumped up excited, I was shocked. 'how has she lasted this long without being killed' I thought, wiping my tears

"She's at the police station, we can go collect her"

"What are we waiting for? Let's go"

We drove to the police station, it felt like ages but within 5 minutes we got there. I rushed out the car and into the station, Eddie followed. Eddie was talking to reception whist I was waiting anxiously. Then an officer escorted us to where Y/N was. When we walked in I saw her but her beautiful face had cuts, bruises and scratches all over it, my heart dropped. I couldn't believe this, who would do this to her? Then I saw her eyes flutter open and she looked like she was in pain. 

Your POV:

I saw someone standing over me, in fact 4 people. I adjusted my eyes to the light and saw two police officers and Reekid and Eddie. I could see something was wrong just by the look on Eddie and Reekid's face, it looked like they've just seen an alien for the first time.
you=norm  Eddie=underline  Ree=bold 

"A-Am I ok?"

"Y-Yeah, why?"

"Your looking at me as if you've just seen an alien"

"Your not an alien, your a beautiful angel"

"No your fine just a few cuts, scratches, and bruises. That's all"

"Oh ok"

I tried to smile, but it hurt too much, so I didn't. The officer then said I can go home, so Reekid put his hand out to help me up, I grabbed it, he then pulled me up. And we walked out the police station together, holding hands. we got into the car and Eddie drove us home. I felt Reekid put his head on my shoulder and fall asleep.

"I guess Reekid hasn't been sleeping a lot lately"

"Yeah he's been too upset to sleep and if he does go to sleep it's only for like a hour"

"Oof, I mean to be honest same, but I didn't have a bed I only had to sleep on the floor..."

Eddie went silent. Eddie then finally spoke slowly.


"Yeah I was forced to sleep on the floor, it wasn't a choice. I didn't get taken then dumped, I was taken and abused..."

Silence fell in the car, the rest of the way home, was silent.

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