Just a 'walk'?

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A/N:(It's gonna be a long chapter sorry... I only realised half way through 😂)

Reekid's POV:

I walked into my room, grabbed my phone and sat on the bed. I was scrolling through Instagram when I stumbled across a post from one of my friends (Jake), he took his girlfriend on a date to a restaurant, that made me think I haven't gone out on a date with Y/N yet. I know it's only been a few weeks since we started dating but still, so I organised a date for us. We'd go to a restaurant, then go shopping, then finally I'll blindfold her and take her to the Adelaide beach and plus by the time we get there it'll be sunset... What an amazing time to kiss her. I told Josh my plan and told him I was gonna say we will go on a 'walk'. I walked into her gaming room and saw she was editing so I snuck up on her and hugged her from behind. She jumped a little, but just carried on editing. 
Ree: bold  You: norm

"What you doing?"

"Just editing a video, I'll probably be a while, why?"

"Nothing, I was just wondering if you wanted to go eat out tonight, but if ya busy I guess not."

"No wait, I'll just finish this section off!!"

"hehehe ok."

I kissed her on her head and walked towards the door of her room. I turned before leaving to see her back to editing and she just looked so cute, the way she was concentrating on her editing it made me smile. I just kept on repeating "she's so cute" and "I'm so glad I'm with her" in my head.  A few minutes later I was sat back on the bed on my phone and she ran up to me and jumped into my arms. We both laughed as she scared me. She then carefully got off me and pulled me up. I then shouted we were going out for dinner, I held her hand and took her to the five star restaurant I booked for us a few minutes before hand. We walked inside and was astonished at the amazing modern place. She took a second just staring at the place, she then turned to me her mouth wide open. 

"H-How much did this cost..?"

"Um, it doesn't matter this is all for you babe"

"Aww thank you so much"

"Anything for you"

She then hugs me, I wrap my arms around her and hug her too, I loved this moment. 

The waiter then arrived and took us to our table, it was by the window which overlooked a river, it looked gorgeous. I turned to her to see that she had already sat down, I slowly sat down opposite her. We looked through the menu and pick our food. We both got stake, I got it medium rare and she got it (You choose). We ate, and then we went onto the second part of our date the shopping. 

I took her hand and we walked down towards the mall, we both walked in, her excited that its the first time we've ever been out just us, and me excited to see her reaction to anything that might make even a little smile appear upon her beautiful face. We walked around for a few hours until I realised the time...

"Hey, babe we'll go to this one last shop because I wanted to take you on a walk and plus it's getting quite late."

"Ok then."

We went into the last shop and I bought the blind fold. I took her outside the mall and told her to turn around I then blind folded her and walked down towards the beach, it was sunset which was the perfect time. As we got their I slowly took her blindfold off and let her take in the moment... 

Y/n POV 

Reekid put the blind fold on me and he guided me down towards some sand..? I was questioning where we were. Until he took my blindfold off... I was amazed at the view I was seeing.  

"Holy shit, this- this is beautiful

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"Holy shit, this- this is beautiful. I- I'm speechless"

"I knew you'd like it"

"Like it? I fucking love it"

I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and hugged him. This was the best day of my life. After a few minutes we stopped hugging. I then pulled him in for a kiss. This felt like I was in a dream. I was sure it wasn't real, but it was and I loved every moment of it. We sat on the beach whist watching the sun go down. He had his arms around me.

After the sun went down we walked back home in the dark. It was quiet, it was peaceful. I suddenly felt something grap behind my knees. What was happening? Was I about to get kidnapped?!

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