The Re-occuring Dream

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Running and all I can think is I have to get there I have to see him I have to go I have to run.
With a travel bag in one hand and my phone in the other, I start running even faster. I keep smacking into others while I run, but I don't care. He's so close, I can feel him, I just have to run just a little bit more. But before I can continue, I wake up.
"Sakura, get down here before I eat all your food!" yells my sister Nely.
Ugh that's the third time I've had that dream. What can it mean? And who do I want to see so bad that?
"I'M COMING!!!" I yell back. Better get down there fast, 'cause she's not lying about eating my food. I hop out of bed and throw on gray jeans and a My Little Pony T-shirt.
"Nice, ha," I say to the mirror. My light red hair streaked with pastel pink is a horrifying mess atop my head, but I can't care less.
Who does, anyways? says the voice in my head. I run downstairs before it can say anything else.
"Finally. I thought you fell back asleep," says my roommate Arlene with a smirk. Her black eyes stare at me as I walk past her towards the sink. She was wearing a shirt covered in soft, pastel colored flowers and lavender leggings. "What took you so long?" Nely asks from behind me.
"Oh, I had that dream again," I say, sitting down with a milk carton.
"Oh, tell us then," says Arlene. Her eyes shine with a familiar look.
"If I do you, you better not write it in one of your books. I know you," I reply, glaring at her. Arlene is a writer who just came back from a meet-up in Europe to see her fans and sign hundreds of copies of her new book.
"Damn," Arlene Nely laughed "poor you" see said pointing a spoon at her. "Hey where's Lupe" I asked looking around. "She went to the B-room" Nely said. I looked at her Nely looks a little like me she has long black hair like I used to have and blue eyes like me. She had on her color drees which I love.You could see her a mile away with that on but you tell her to take it off. "Oh so what we having" I said "WAFFLES" yell Nely "Yes" said A voice behind me. I look to see Lupe behind me. She has the same hair color as Arlene and she is a little fat but not that fat. She works at a book store she owns which Arlene goes to a lot to sing books. "Oh hey" I say with a smile "sup" "Ok can I have food now" I said with puppy eyes to Nely. "No" she said "Whyyyyyy not" I said like a little girl. "Because you already have some" I look down to see a plate with some waffles on them. how that get there I thought. who cares eat it now so we can prank some people later a little voice in my head said. I look down at my bracelet at the white part of it he would had done that with me. "what you thinking" asked Nely. "Oh nothing" I said with a little evil smile. After a little bit Arlene asked us something " What you all up too today" "Am going to work and looking for someone to help me at the shop" "Lots of people are going to want that job" Arlene said "Yup if there your fans". "Am staying home to day" Nely said because..... But after that I stop listening I was thinking about my dream what did it mean and who do I want to see that bad the one person I can think about or more like people is..."Sakura you there" I came back from space to find that Nely was in my face "What???" "We asked you a question" Lupe said "Yes what you up to today " "Oh am going to work on my programming skills and see what my boss wants me to do today" "Ok well I have to go" Lupe said getting up "See you later" "Bye" we said all together. "Well am off to" I said heading to my room I have lots to do today. As I enter my room I shake off the last of my dream and start work.

Hey there people of Wattpad thanks for reading I hope you like it . Am new to this but I hope you stay and learn with me fell free to share this book and have a nice day/night

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