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???? Pov-
I woke up on the floor with two other body's next to me "Ugg my head are you too ok" I said "Yah am fine how about you" "Am fine" I said. "Am fine to thanks for asking" I look behind me to see a dirty blond hair face."Oh sorry about that" "Whatever"he said."Hey you to know what happen" "No all I remember is coming in to the house and seeing a bright light then I blacked out" "You to" I said "Yup" I thought about the dream and if I should say anything but before I got a chance to say anything I was interested "Did you have that dream or was it just me" I looked at him "You to" I asked "Yup" he got up "This can only mean one thing we have to keep looking" Armen said. Yup he would be the first to say that."Hold on Armen it's not like we ever stopped looking"Grayson said getting up. "Well we have to look harder" he said heading to his computer. "Yup he misses her don't you think Drake" asked Grayson. "We all do" I said taking his hand to get up.

~~~~~~~~~~~~<~<~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry it's so small just felt bored and wanted to write something that's why there's two characters today. we'll Bye ............bye..........................................why you still here..............................

Never Forget The Day They LeftHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin