Hey There, Trees

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Nely's POV
After I get out of Sakura's room, I go to the computer that's in the living room. "We should go somewhere today. Somewhere we haven't gone before. We do live in LA, you know. Lots of people want to come here there's lots to do" I said to myself. I Went to goggle and looks up places to go in LA and Hollywood came out. We haven't gone there and its such a nice day to day I thought why not. I called James to see what he would think " That sounds fun we should all go but...... When I have things to do today". I thought for a minute "How about in 3 day I have nothing to do and Sakura has nothing to do Lupe has no work that day to" "Yah in 3 days it is call you later bye" he hung up. I got up and went to the backyard which leads to the woods. I sat on the grass looking in to the woods sometimes if am lucky I can see some type of animal but there were no today. I could hear birds and I took a deep breath. " It smells like the woods" I said to myself. "What more would it smell like" I turn around to see Arlene. "Oh hey didn't see you there" "What you up to?" She said sitting next to me. "Just planning something" the wind had started to pick up and my hair keep getting in my face. "What could that be?" She looked over to me. I smiled "You'll fined out soon".The wind was making the trees look like they were waving. I being weird and all waved back to them. "Who are you saying hi to?" Arlene said looking over to me and the way I was waving at. "The trees who else" I said getting up heading back to the house. "Right the trees....." She said looking at me with the WTF face "Hey they need love to you know" I said opening the back door of the house whatever. "Ok?......". I stuck out my tung at her and went in side the house. I jumped on the couch and turned on the T.V. "Oh My little pony is on". I got in a good position and started to sing along with the theme

Arlene Pov-
After Nely went back in to the house I stayed out side looking at the trees. They do look like there saying hi. The wind was picking up a lot my hair keep getting blown in my face. My phone went off and I see its Lupe "Hey Lupe Waz up" "Hey I just called to tell you am going to be a little late tonight" then I heard her giggle "Lupe?" "I'll be late ok bye" then she hung up. The hell was that all about why did she.......giggle? I look up to the sky to see that storm clouds have moved in. Well what ever it was I hope she's ok? *sigh* I don't even know. The wind picked up again and I looked up to the sky to fell a drop of rain hit my face. "Better get in side before I get a cold" I mumbled to my self.

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