Chapter III: I won't be sleeping again....

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Silver soared aimlessly through the ruined streets of Crisis City.

He stopped as multiple large, impending sun flares came bursting from the lava beneath. They closed in, threatening to go back to the magma below - with Silver in-hand. Silver prevented this with a simple, self-exerted blast of his psychokinesis.

'How much longer must I fight this fight?' thought Silver as he set down on a nearby building. 'How much longer must I persevere before I'm awarded at least one resounding victory?!'

He looked to the decapitated buildings around him, and the magma surrounding them. 'Since before I could remember, I've fought these flames. Best case scenario, our fates are prolonged. Worst case, we're just fueling the flames even further!'

Silver's train of thought was interrupted when a certain cat-shaped individual appeared, then leapt from building to building toward his location. To this, Silver responded with a few paces toward the corner of the building he suspected would be the figure's eventual place of landing.

The figure, Blaze, landed on the corner that Silver had anticipated. Silver spoke, "He's reappeared, hasn't he?"

Blaze gave a somber nod in response.

Silver sighed as he gently lifted into the air before extending a hand to Blaze. She took it and before they knew it, they were off like a shot.

They arrived at a huge lava lake about a half an hour later. They touched down on the nearest structure. "This is where I spotted him," said Blaze.

Silver inspected the clearing around them. 'At this point, I wouldn't care whether we win or lose this battle,' thought Silver before a low, earth-shaking drone sounded from the molten loch below. From it, rose a mountainous being made from fire and rock.

'But here goes nothing....'

Silver and Blaze stood battle-ready before the creature that laid waste to the world they call home. With an ear-splitting, terra-forming, terrifying roar, Iblis stood mirroring their preparedness.

At that very moment, when Iblis went for the first strike, that's when Silver woke up, on his couch, struggling for air in a cold sweat.

Silver sat in complete and utter shock. He gave a wary glare to the surrounding residence. His suspicion, as well as his heart rate, died down as he realized he was alone. 'What the hell was that thing?!' thought he.

'And....' Silver stared in the direction of his bedroom door, or more particularly, the person slumbering behind it. 'Why was Blaze there?'

Silver relaxed. He looked at the digital clock planted on his desk. It read 4:36 A.M.

"Welp," Silver whispered to himself, "I won't be sleeping again...."

He laid back down in thought, 'From what Blaze has told me during our text conversations, she wakes up at around six. What could I do until she wakes?'

Silver then got an idea that he was hoping would go unnoticed by Blaze. He looked toward the entrance to his bedroom and breathed a sigh of reluctance. He made for the door, grabbed the knob, then turned it before opening.

1 ½ hours later....

Blaze awoke, rather refreshed. Despite having received the finest silks and cushions for her bed in the Sol dimension, Blaze couldn't help feeling the mattress and comforter Silver had allowed her to use were actually contending the "royalty-worthy" bedding back home.

'I'll need to ask Silver where he acquired these most cozy covers,' thought Blaze before inhaling the scent of the bed.

She paused, wide-eyed, and blushed before recoiling to the touch of the bedding. She cursed herself internally for having done something so improper. She looked to the side before spotting her clothes from the day before sitting on the cupboard to the right side of the bed. Although, she couldn't keep from noticing how clean and neatly folded they were.

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