Chapter X: No, this can't happen!

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The morning after, Blaze woke up....surprisingly alone. She observed her bed, as well as Silver's, and scanned the entirety of her and Silver's quarters; no such hedgehog was in sight. She rubbed her head and thought of the night before. Her immediate thought was that what occurred must've been another dream. She shook that thought away, though.

'Silver WAS here,' thought her as she observed the covers to be greatly pressed before her figure. She chuckled as she examined the work. 'Silver must've, out of embarrassment, attempted hiding that he did, in fact,' an out-of-control redness ran rampant throughout her face as she thought the next few words, 'Sleep with me....'

She shuddered with delight as she proceeded with her morning routine. She got up, got dressed, had some tea, that kind of thing.

She exited the complex, then started walking through the town that laid before her and the next olympic event. The snow coating everything reminded her of something. She could remember cream-paletted skies, jelly beans littered around. She could now see it: The day she first met Silver....

Blaze looked around and found herself in a most peculiar landscape. One made entirely out of....sweets?

She could see everything from towers made from burgers, to mountains made from cake, to trees made from lollipops. She would've gone Gretel and chowed down....if it weren't for her regality and pure confusion in why she was even there.

She was in her own dimension just a minute prior. However, when she observed one of the Sol emeralds' glow acting oddly, she was engulfed in a blinding light.

Then she was here. In these lands. On these sweetened, frosting-covered sods- BOOM!!!

Blaze's attention snapped to behind her. There was a crater with a dust cloud above it. She approached it cautiously. She stared into the dust and stepped just a bit closer.

But then she jumped back as a lollipop with an arm grasped onto it came looming from the screen. That arm then pulled and brought out a robot.

This robot looked like something of a sea captain. It was severely damaged, however.

It was, little by little, clawing its broken form toward Blaze, like an injured, starving animal. Its eyes were gleaming with redness as it began swinging at Blaze with the lollipop for a cane. Blaze herself was struggling to dodge said swings of harm.

She managed to exert a mild blast of fire in between dodges and blew the robot back. Blaze was only mildly intimidated when first seeing the robot, but when her flames charred the robot's exterior, she would admit that the machine's outward appearance now evoked that a more range-based attack plan would be wiser.

The robot's stomach compartment began to open up, and out flew a bunch of small, bouncy droids.

Blaze started letting an inferno stream from her hands to act as a shield to the incoming swarm. She was shooting this stream as they kept coming. To her left, to her right, she was clearly on the defensive because of their numbers. When the swarm seemed to be going for a bullet-based formation, and they were flying straight for her, she began using her fire to put up a massive barrier to block the rush.

She was pushing her power with all her might, but the little robots were slowly starting to climb their way around and over the shield. They were flanking her attack without her being the wiser.

But what the droids didn't see was that this feline had some unsolicited backup. Behind Blaze, a glowing-handed stranger was charging his power. That hedgehog then aimed his right fist toward his left and smacked his left palm up against the side of it.

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