Chapter XI: Not again....

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Silver didn't teleport, but he moved fast enough to look as if he did. He rushed to Blaze's charred form on the track. He immediately kneeled at her side and spoke. "Blaze?"

No response.


No response. Silver stuck his arms beneath her figure and started shaking her gently. "Blaze?"

Again, nothing but stillness....

Silver laid her back down and attempted sticking his ear to her chest for a heartbeat. He couldn't discern it, however, over the crowd's commotion.

With his voice reverberating, Silver shoute- "SHUT UP!!!"

The crowd was quick to his whim, not before yelping in surprise at the hedgehog's aggression, of course. Silver once again listened in. There was still nothing....

"No, no, no, no, no, no," Silver's eyes began welling right then.

"No, no, no, no, NO!!!" He tried desperately to think of a solution. Then he thought of his powers. 'That might work,' he thought frantically.

Silver calmed himself minorly as he started focusing his power through his hand. He closed his eyes and concentrated his power on Blaze's heart. He started flexing his fingers in and out, in and out. He did this as he put his ear up to Blaze's chest once more. After about fifteen flexes, Silver steeled himself, pinched Blaze's nose, then put his mouth to hers and breathed. He repeated it once after.

He sniffed and cried as he tried desperately to restart the feline's heartbeat. "Please, Blaze, don't do this to me!"

He still heard nothing. He stopped using his power and tried the traditional method. He put both hands to the feline's breasts and started pumping. He did it again, and again, and again, and again....and again....

No sound attempted to meet his ears as he then started sledgehammering Blaze's chest. Only the deepest and most muffled of drums could be heard when his fists came in contact with the cat's torso. "Please, Blaze!" he cried. "Come on! Come on!" Hit, after hit, after hi- gasp!

Silver looked down in hope and found the princess coughing. His relieved breath resounded like a horn in the middle of marauding. He wasn't quick to celebrate though.

He quickly brought his hands beneath Blaze's upper back and joints, holding her bridal style. Silver, after that, quickly blasted off into the air, with a giant blast of snow left in wake, headed for the nearest ER.

Sonic and Shadow were observing the whole thing. They exchanged one look before nodding to each other. Sonic followed after Silver, while Shadow went elsewhere.

Silver, with Blaze in his arms, was shattering the sound barrier whilst zooming through the air trying to spot a hospital. When such a place finally entered his sight, he barreled for it, but slowed himself down enough to make a soft landing.

"HELP!!!" he shouted as he began walking inside. They were quick to his assistance. They put Blaze on a gurney and carted her away.

Silver looked on in sadness. His tears, still unceasing. 'I-I....'

Silver's laser-like stare of guilt prevented him from noticing, visually, that Sonic had arrived at the entrance to the building. The blue blur looked to the hallway that Silver persisted to do the same at. All before looking down at the ground. He gave a side eye to Silver. "Silver?"

Silver didn't reply. The blue hedgehog's presence wasn't lost on him, so that wasn't the reason.

Sonic continued talking under this assumption. "U-Uuummm. Well, Shadow's begun searching for the're on our way to healing her!"

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