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Percy's p.o.v.

Practice was...eventful, to say the least. Nico stubbed his toe on a bench getting dressed, and let out an impressive string of curses that were not, for little ears. Jason tripped and smacked his head on a brick that was sitting on the floor because of renovations. The Stoll bros got into a fistfight with Ethan.

So, yea, all in all a great practice (note sarcasm). Now, I sit in Jason's car, getting a ride home. Frank is driving though, because Jason is still...out of it.

I get dropped off at my house, send the car-full  of people a quick wave, and walk inside. 

"Percy!!" I'm tackled in a hug by my little sister.

"Hey Estelle!" I say, grinning.

"Mommy made cookies," she smiles at me.

"That's cool," I say, sounding calm on the outside, but secretly doing a happy dance on the inside, because no one makes better cookies than my mom. They're crunchy on the edges and chewy in the middle, with an impressive amount of chocolate chips. Oh, they're also blue, because I may have a slight obsession with the color. Okay, a decent sized obsession. Okay, I may have painted my room blue...and gotten a blue bedspread...and a blue car. I get it, I have a problem.

"Come on," she says, grabbing my wrist and pulling me into the kitchen. My mom is in there, sitting at the table with a book.

"Hi honey," she says, smiling. She stands up and walks over to me, giving me a hug, and I am enveloped by her sweet sent of cookies and old books. She pulls back from the hug. "Do you want a cookie?"

"Sure," I say, running my hand through my already messy hair. She reaches up and tries to smooth it down. "Mom!" I say, jumping and shrugging her hand way. She rolls her eyes, still smiling, and reaches up to grab the bowl of cookies off the shelf. 

"Thanks," I say grabbing one. 

"Hello big brother!"

I turn around. "Hey Tyson!" I say. Tyson is my brother. He's fourteen, and he's a nerd, but the good kind. He is ridiculously smart, and always has his nose in a book of some kind. Today he has a thick pale green book in his hand, with two people, a boy and a girl, and some kind of creature, like a unicorn with wings on the cover. 

"Aren't you a little old for fantasy?" I ask him.

He looks at me solemnly and says, "you're never too old for fantasy."

"Okay then Big Guy," I say, laughing. I call him Big Guy because, well, He's a big guy. He's a 5'11" high school freshman, and still growing. He's just barley shorter than me, and I have no doubt that, in a year or two, he'll be taller that me.

I shove the cookie into my mouth and walk out of the kitchen to my bedroom. 


It's my phone. I pick it up to check what it is. It's a text. A text from Annabeth. I texted her earlier so that she knows it's me, but she never responded.

(The text convo)

Annabeth: Hello, Percy, I was wondering, since you're the captain of the hockey team, if you would come help me practice with my brothers?

Percy: Sure, what time?

Annabeth: Maybe tomorrow after school?

Percy: No, I've got practice from 3:30 to 5:30, But would around 6 work?

Annabeth: yes, thank you.

Percy: no problem.

Annabeth: So, do you have any games coming up?

Percy: Yeah, this weekend.

Annabeth: What time?

Percy: 7 to 8 pm Saturday night. Why? Are you gonna be there?

Annabeth: I don't know...😏

Percy: Maybe?

(10 minutes later)

Percy: Annabeth?

(2 minutes later)

Percy: Annabeth?

(15 minutes later)

Percy: g'night.

(end of text convo)

I throw my phone down on my blue bedspread. G'night?! How could I be so stupid? I face plant onto the bed, and scream into my pillow. 

659 words

Not bad, I could have done better, but I'm supposed to be doing homework, sooooooooo, I gotta go. until we meet again, 


P.S, go check out my other book, it's only one part long, and takes less than five minutes to read, so check it out, just for grins and giggles!

𝑨𝒍𝒍'𝒔 𝑭𝒂𝒊𝒓 𝒊𝒏 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝑯𝒐𝒄𝒌𝒆𝒚Where stories live. Discover now