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A/N: Hey, my god this is strange. This is it, i'm finally writing my own fanfic. So right yeah it's about the dream team and others and it's a university plot at cambridge, i wont mention anything about ships but yk yk we like ships! Any art used does not belong to me unless stated otherwiseee. Constructive critisism is appriciated because like i said i'm not used to this stuff!! Anyways, enjoy! :))

TW: blood, anxiety.


He laid there, and whispered something into my ear, barely loud enough for me to hear, while each breath became shallower. The blood was literally on my hands-

~Some months before..~

Georges POV//
I sat there awkwardly, not quite sure what to do with my hands that felt weirdly out of place in my lap. The train was too crowded for my liking and I made a mental note to get a taxi next time I was on my way back after christmas. I'll be honest, i never really had any intentions on going to university, even if i had wanted to i didn't think i'd make it to this point in my life. I sighed as all the memories came flooding back from when I got ill. I was snapped out of my thoughts by a male voice asking if he could sit beside me and I smiled and nodded in confirmation. I had never liked talking to people much, as bad as it sounded, I knew I wasn't the only one.

According to my google maps, there should only be around another 30 minutes or so left until i arrived, i couldn't help smiling at the thought of it all. I didn't know what I wanted to do when I was older.. Still. So I decided to try to get a Bachelor's degree in maths since maths was one of my only strong points. I did quite well in English in my GCSEs but I found it made me start to dislike it more and more. I really didn't want to ruin my love for writing and so I didn't take it any further after my GCSEs. I was close to doing something geography related because I really liked it which anyone could tell after seeing how much geoguessr i played, i loved geoguessr.

My head was getting busy so I decided to put in my earphones and scroll through Twitter. 

( suggested music ~ Plain White T's- Hey There Delilah )

As to be expected, everyone was blowing up on what had happened just a few days prior. I would miss my old life but I had made a decision to move on, turn over a new chapter of my life and I had to stick by it. A text from Wilbur appeared on my screen and I clicked on it.


Wilby: Good luck for today, are you there yet?

Georgee: Thanks, my stop is any minute so i'll be there soon!

Wilby: Probably shouldn't be texting me then, let me know how things are going later on and at least try and meet some new people

Georgee: Yeah we'll jump on a call later, and to avoid the lecture, I'm just gonna say that I will try to make some friends, speak later.

Wilby: Alright sounds good, bye George.

I turn my phone off and right on cue the train comes to a steady stop. Luckily, the guy next to me also got off here so i didn't have to ask him to move whilst i got by. I grabbed my suitcase that was under the seat and I stepped out of the train, grateful for the breeze that greeted me. I started walking down the route. I had memorised on google maps the day i found out i was going here, it had only just registered in my mind. I was going to freaking cambridge! 

  I was excited but every step I took the more my nerves kicked in. I considered texting Wilbur or calling him but I didn't want to bother him, I knew he had a lot on his plate with streaming at the moment. I was nearing the university and put my clammy hands into my pockets as my breathing quickened. Don't get me wrong, I was so excited. It's just a big thing and a lot to take in. Alas, my smile was unavoidable as the overly-large building came into view. After another minute I was by the entrance and I felt my jaw drop. It was fucking magical. It felt wrong to be standing that close, illegal even… I had been to many private schools but this was so different to any of them, it was so different to anything I'd ever seen. It looked more like a palace than a university.

Once I had finally managed to collect my thoughts, I took my first step inside the university grounds and let out a short laugh. I made it to university. I did as it said on the website and went over to the meetup spot where I was greeted by a middle-aged woman. There were other people here. I scanned their faces, making eye contact with some of them, a couple seconds too long in some cases. The woman who revealed herself to be Michelle and told us everything we would need to know and we all got given maps of the university, she said after a while we probably won't even need them. I really doubt that, I thought, taking a gulp and looking back up at the angelic-like building. Michelle talked for a long time but I didn't mind. She finally mentioned about the student in-houses and after waiting a while to get to see the lists I found out I was sharing one with two other guys. We finished up and everyone headed off to find where they were staying, everybody's heads buried in their maps, after nearly 30 minutes I found mine.

I didn't go in as soon as i found where i would be staying, my anxiety was through the roof. I could try to make some jokes to make a good impression on my new roommates or I could postpone first impressions and keep my head down. I decided that would be a better idea and went with that option. I then realized i was probably overreacting and they might not even be there yet, the thought put my mind at rest so i pulled down at the door handle. Regardless of what i had told myself moments ago, i found out they were in, i guess not everybody got lost on the way here.

I wasn't too sure what i was looking at when i walked in, one of the two was singing a few notches too loud and the other was on the floor as if he'd just been tackled. As I walked in both their heads turned to me by reflex and the second guy that was on the floor started wheezing and he set off the person hovering over him laughing. After a minute of calming themselves down, they introduced themselves as Dream and Sapnap. I knew these weren't their real names but the one that went by 'Sapnap' explained that was just what everyone called them. I shook both their hands awkwardly as if I was at a job interview. So much for postponing first impressions i thought to myself. After introducing myself and cracking a petty excuse of a joke I told them I was going to unpack and that's when I realised I didn't know where my room was.

A/N:  Welp, first chapter on wattpad, i have about 5 or 6 lined up to start off with anyways. Right so i'm not sure if this will get views yet but if it does then poggers and hi!


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