2~Word travels quick~

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Hi, i really felt like updating. I hope you are all doing well and enjoy the chapter! :) TW: Slight blood.

Georges pov//

It didn't take long to figure out the room situation which ended up with us all sharing one big room with three identical single beds. Before I knew it I had unpacked all my stuff and it was coming up at 9pm. I had the bed furthest ro the right, Dream had the middle bed and Sapnap on the other side of the room. Next to my bed was a desk which I had put my laptop on and a few other things. I saw an incoming call from Will and answered immediately, not caring that the other two were in the room. "Hey," I said , the smile on my face growing. "HOW IS IT THERE?!" Wilbur shouted down the phone causing me to shriek and him to laugh. "It's just like the photos, but better," I begin, "It's everything I never thought I'd be able to have. I didn't think- It just feels surreal." I concluded my voice was reduced to a whisper. Dream shot a questioning glance but I ignored it. Wilbur had been there for me when I was ill and even though he wouldn't admit it I knew he didn't think I'd make it here either. "You're there," he said. I could feel his contagious smile through the screen. "I'm here," I repeated Will's words. "George, I'm so-" Wilbur attempted to say but his voice broke. I screwed up my face in confusion, "What's wrong, did something happen?" I said in a gentle tone, the type he uses for me when I'm upset. He lets out a teary laugh, "No, everythings fine. I'm just really happy for you george.." I felt my own eyes prick with tears, "Thank you Will, for everything." I hear him flop down onto what I'm guessing is his sofa or his bed, "I love you George, you know that?" I nod even if he can't hear me, "I love you too, now get some sleep. I know you are meeting with the guys for band practice tomorrow!" I hear him laugh a little and I'm sure I hear a little 'you remembered' but it's not clear. "Goodnight George," he said in his thick, sleepy voice. "Goodnight" I say and end the call.

I wasn't going to sleep though so I flopped down on the bed. I remember the first time I met Wilbur when I was 14 on a minecraft server. I remember when I was 15, on the edge of that building then getting a call from wilbur. I remember the next day meeting Wilbur for the first time because I told him I needed a hug. I remember Starting to stream. Streaming. I sighed, I would miss it. I'd miss filming videos with Tommy; I tried to move it to the back of my mind but they wouldn't budge. I remember hitting 9 million on youtube and I felt a tear slide down my cheek. It would get easier and I knew that but I wish it would just hurry up and get easier now.

I decided to get changed into some pyjamas so I grabbed some black shorts and an oversized hoodie. I never really wore real pyjamas even though I had them. I went into the bathroom to get changed and before I left I brushed my teeth and splash some water onto my face. As I walk out I hear some music playing and I recognise it instantly.

( recommended song~ white wine in a wetherspoons- Wilbur Soot)

I can't help but laugh and I get a confused look in return, "What?!" Dream asked, obviously very confused. I reduce my laugh to a smirk, "It's nothing just, good music taste" i say and it takes everything inside me to suppress the giggles i could feel rising. He just assumed I was mocking him for listening to Wilbur Soot so he smiles and rolls his eyes. I let him think that.

After a while into the song, i begin to start singing along without releasing. "It's fine dining with cheap perfume" i sing along, i knew the words to most of Wilbur's songs. Dream looks at me as if he's a kid who had just found out the tooth fairy wasn't real. "But.. A minute ago you were laughing at me..?" I laughed again, the anxiety from earlier on fading a little, "Not at you," i correct, "I just- Hadn't heard that song in a while" i finish my brow furrowing as i remember Wilbur playing it to me to cheer me up and it had worked, it always worked. I get lost in my thoughts but almost immediately snapped out of them again by Dream waving a hand in front of my eyes, he had got up and was now by my bed "Helloooo?" He said for what i was guessing wasn't the first time. I apologised and excused myself from the room, i was fine it was just hot in there. I texted Wilbur telling him i missed him and he said he missed me too.

As I stepped outside the sharp air pinched at my face, it was the middle of october. I smiled and decided I would get some sleep. I didn't realize how tired I was even though it was barely 10pm. My head hit the pillow and I was out cold. I didn't dream, in fact, I don't think I've ever had a dream.

The following morning, I took a shower then went on a walk around the grounds. Quite a few people were talking about how a boy had gone missing. I thought that would be a normal thing for people to sneak out and not worry about being back early the next day but apparently not. My lessons started in two days and I was grateful that we had been given time to settle in before my lessons started. I tripped over a crack in the floor, falling face first into the concrete. After a minute, i picked myself up and luckily i was nearly back to the in-house anyway so i quickly went inside.

Once i got in i rushed to the bathroom and locked the door, "fuck." I muttered under my breath. My nose was bleeding and I had a gash on my forehead. I put some tissue up my nose and was grateful for the plaster and medical tape I found in the cabinet about the sink. My dad taught me about first aid since i was quite young, he would make jokes about how it could save my life one day, or someone else's, someone like a girlfriend of mine.That was one thing i didn't like, how he would always say girlfriend and- And, well, nothing else..

Once I had sorted myself out I cleaned up some of the blood off the sink and walked out, heading towards the room. Sapnap was in and he looked worried. I wanted to nap really bad but I knew I would feel bad if I didn't see what was wrong. I go to perch on the edge of Dreams bed that was by his. "What's wrong?" I ask, finding myself using the voice Wilbur uses again. He looks up at me, "Uhm, a friend of mine snuck out last night and he still hasn't come back, i wouldn't normally worry about something like this but he wasn't in the best place and knowing him he was probably drunk. Or high.." I think about what people have been talking about, "I know," I say and when he shoots me a questioning glance i quickly add on the end, "I heard some people talking about it earlier." He nods. "Also now Dream has gone out, i'm assuming he's still on the uni grounds but he won't answer his phone and he's upset. Also he didn't take a jumper so he is gonna freeze to death." Sapnap was rambling on, he reminded me of Will, he seemed like a good friend.

I slip a hoodie on and look at Sapnap, "I'll try to find him, and if I do I'll talk to him." I look at Sapnap and notice the bags under his eyes, "Also, try to get some sleep" I add on in an almost mechanical tone before I swing open the door and step out into the welcoming breeze.

A/N: Hello againnn. So yeah the next chapter things will start to pick up a little im hoping. I will try and work out update routines but im not entirely sure yet. Make sure to eat and drink some water, hope you enjoyed! :] (1461 words)
-Tilly <3

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