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Dust, cobwebs, and other gross stuff was the only thing she could see. Test Tube coughed and tried to cover her mouth. How in the world does this lab even get all dusty and webby? It's barely been a month since she last visited. That is, when the recent episode came out. They haven't filmed a new episode for a while. She took it as an opportunity to start a small project, to start a new experiment.

She walked through the dark room with only a lit match and her eyes. She took small steps towards the light switch and flipped it on. The room was illuminated with a dim, but bright enough light. She scanned the room, walking towards her small desk with her laptop closed. She sighed as she cleaned the entire room, mopping the floor, cleaning all the cobwebs away, squeezing away any excess dirt. Her mouth felt dry and she sweated a lot.

Wiping off sweat from her forehead, she sat down on her desk and turned on the laptop.


"Bingo." She whispered happily and jumped on her seat. She looked through a few cases on her files. There was a great amount of cases and investigations she had made years back.

"Hmm, the YinYang experiment seems to be the latest one that was most successful.. But it's quite lame, I wanna do more experiments and projects. But I don't know where to start!" She groaned and leaned back onto her swivel chair, turning it around a few times.

She took a break from thinking for a while, turning on her phone.

She scrolled through photos and photos of some of the contestants. She smirked at a picture she had accidentally taken of Nickel falling off Baseball's head in the maze episode. This was hilarious. "Haha, that challenge was so stupid." She smiled and looked at the photo some more.

Her mind began clouding with thoughts about Nickel for some reason. "Poor guy, no arms or anything. And he's so tiny!" Test Tube giggled at herself and gasped in realization.

She sat up and started rummaging through her files in her cabinet. "Object limbs, object limbs, where are you..." She picked up the folder and skimmed through every single page and paper. "...Depending on an object's mass and size, height and weight.... Hmm, blah blah..." Her entire desk was full of different papers and notes and folders. There was a specific thing she wanted to find, but where was it?!

"Found it!" She exclaimed and opened it. "An object's limbs can depend on its size, mass, structure, and even height. An object's arms and hands are only seen for a tall, slightly skinny object. Skinny can be depicted in many ways, tall can be depicted in only one way. If it's long enough, it can learn to grow limbs on their middle part such as arms and hands... hmm." Test tube sighed and flipped to the next page. "Objects that are round are most likely not going to have limbs on their upper portion, their upper portion or middle portion has a different mass and size from their lower parts which can create a struggle in moving limbs. Shorter objects, even not being round, can grow limbs. However, it takes a lot of skill and will to be put into creating arms. WHAT?!" Test Tube scratched her head and turned to the next page. "An object's ability to grow limbs is still unknown. Scientists haven't yet discovered the natural behavior of an object's body." Test Tube felt challenged by this fact.

"If an object's limbs are detached from its body, it would most likely be enabled to do natural things it would do before. To re-attach limbs back onto an object is dangerous with only a few amount of equipment and not knowing the normal rules of surgery. To apply an object's limbs back to the owner is a task that has been done before, but can truly do a different type of damage depending on the type of object you are doing this on."

Test tube stared at the paper like she had seen a ghost. I knew my 7th-grade notes were gonna be useful.

"To remove an object's limbs is different from applying it back. Removing the limbs is in fact painful, but to put it back can cause even more damage and pain." She heartlessly turned the page, jumping in her seat to see the rest of the notes. "There has been no record of all surviving objects from experiments done. Most of them cracked, broke into pieces, popped, bent in half, and many other gruesome deaths recorded when scientists attempted to re-attach their limbs." Test Tube stared at that last sentence and thought for a while. The gears in her mind clicked and turned as she thought and thought. "If that's the case on limbs, what about mental health?"

Test Tube began to go through her files once more, messing around the place as if she hadn't just cleaned it a few moments ago. She picked up a file from one of the small cabinets and looked through every single word. "An object's mental health can depend on its type. Something around the threads or something made of leather can be more kind towards others or if it's made of metal, the object can most likely be aggressive or negative about most things. Of course, this was hypothetical in terms of studies that scientists made. Just a small theory or belief they tried to spread before they actually put real research into what they were doing." Test Tube huffed with annoyance and turned to the next page.

"An object's mental health can be derived from how they grew up and who they were surrounded with. Sometimes these objects have a tendency to hide their true feelings behind a façade they feel forced to put up with. A Paintbrush for example can hide their feelings using an artistic or a more creative way of thinking, lying to themselves about their true self by wanting to believe they're someone else. It can depend on the object and what they believe to be is their part of society. The rest of the studies on an object's behavior and personality are unknown, the only known theories to be a complete waste and weren't scientifically proven or possible. Objects can feel if they choose to. Emotions are natural, so for an object to push itself far enough to feel nothing is something that scientists have always been researching on whether or not it works, or if it's all a lie."

Test Tube scoffed and placed the notes down as the folder came to an end. She sat there, shocked by all the information gathered. Her head turned to look at a picture of all the contestants in one place, smiling and laughing. She smirked, gathering her things and placing them on her desk.

"I think I know what my next experiment is." 

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