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Hey! sorry for the long wait and for the short chapter! hope yall like this one <3



"Haha, but it's funny! Just listen to it one more time? Please??"


Knife rubbed his eyes and watched as Microphone's body shook, and she lied on the floor giggling to herself. He felt tired and just wanted a goddamn nap, but Microphone wouldn't shut up. A few minutes after Taco left, Microphone still seemed to be affected by the pill Test Tube gave her. As minutes pass, the effects have been getting worse. She started acting weird, like saying random things here and there. And it all began with a smile and a giggle.

"Ooh, ooh, I know! What if I just run around until I-I'm all tired! That sounds f-fun!" She smiled, grinding her teeth as she looked at Knife. He bit his lower lip and sighed, not wanting to deal with Microphone at the moment. While she did worry him, he still had to worry about Baseball too. The taller boy sat by his usual corner again, but his eyes were wide open, no expression on his face at all. Knife felt overwhelmed though. He thought he could handle two deranged objects but right now, one doesn't look like he was breathing, and the other is way too energetic for Knife's liking. Microphone had been talking in the background for all Knife cared, his own mind dozing off when she began talking excessively again.

"...And it went whoosh! It was so funny!" Microphone held onto her stomach as she laughed more. The laughter clearly felt forced, but at the same time, it felt like it was naturally coming from her. What was even happening to these three anymore?

Knife wasted his time just watching over her, eyeing her every move. There were a few moments when she fell and was clearly hurt, but didn't mind it at all. Knife had to watch in silence as she seems to be losing her grip on reality. Come back, Taco. I have no fucking idea how to handle this situation.

It was unnatural for Knife to place all his trust in Taco. But after months of being trapped together in the same place, it wouldn't hurt to at least be kinder to her.

His head began to hurt from watching Microphone mess around like some maniac, and his worries over Baseball had already faded a few minutes ago. He deeply sighed, leaning against the wall with a frown. He stared at his hands for a moment, twisting them around and gently cracking his knuckles. He had nothing else to do, and felt tired. As he stared at his hands, he then lead them to his chest.

The stitches had completely healed surprisingly. The weird part is how it never actually felt itchy or gross unlike most people here in the lab who had experienced stitches. Maybe cuz Fan was the one who did the stitches.

Fan. Someone who Knife had many mixed feelings for. When was their first interaction? He can't remember. What even is their relationship with each other? He doesn't know either. He felt confused. He liked Fan, and he thinks he's a dumb dork. But at the same time, he hates him. He feels disgusted by him. But why? Was it because of his relationship with Test Tube? Because he is an ally of hers? What was the real reason?

He was too tired to even think how. Or why. He felt his eyelids begin to close. He tried his best to fight off the sleepiness, but it took over in less than a minute. He was half asleep, still hearing Microphone scuttling around the room like a rat. Knife was only a few minutes into his sleep when he heard a loud thud. He woke up with a jolt, looking around the room for what made the sound. Depending on Microphone's reaction, and the direction she was looking at, something was wrong with Baseball.

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