Chapter 3: You won't believe what I found

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I stand here in the coffee shop in pure shock that she dared talk to me that way

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I stand here in the coffee shop in pure shock that she dared talk to me that way. Oh she mess with the wrong person I will make her regret that.

"Good morning Ms. Adams" I say with a smirk on my face

She looked so good in that white suit and her hair up just made my head run with full of imagination, and let's not even talk about that red lipstick all I want is to see it smeared by me. She didn't even reply to me and when she looked at me it was as if I was nothing, which infuriated me like does she know who I am. She did her presentation flawlessly but I'm just waiting to see her face when she finds out that she will have to share the hotel with Valentino Co.

As I sit here waiting I pay attention to every little detail she makes. She's confident which I already knew by our interaction this morning, no women or even men have ever spoken to me like that. My thoughts are interrupted by her ending her presentation

"And that's the plan for all the marketing and the structure of how it will work" She says as she sits down on her chair.

"The presentation was amazing darling, I'm sure you and Mr. Valentino will do a great job" one of the ambassadors said. She looked uncomfortable when he said "darling".

"What do you me and Mr. Valentino?"Victoria asked. She looked pissed

"Well Ms. Adams the deal we all made was for the two companies to work together it would be great for business" the man reply to her

"Who is We?" She said with full anger in her voice which was the first emotion I see of hers.

"The amb—assadors and Mr. Valentino" he stuttered seeing at how angry she looked. And then she looked at me and if looks could kill, I would be six feet under right now.

"ha I find it funny how you all think you can make a fool out of me, I am not a person you mess around with so I will make this clear there will not be a Mr. Valentino and I partnership" Victoria said with anger

"Well then the hotel will not happen and we all will make sure of it" The man said shitten his pants inside but he went through what we talked about.

Victoria looked pissed but she kept it together and said "well then since I have no choice but I will make the contract and Mr. Valentino you better sign it" looking at me.

"Is that a threat Ms. Adams" I say

"If you think that's a threat then you have a lot to learn about me" she replied

Oh and I will learn everything, I want to know who this Woman is besides the famous billionaire.

"Well then if that's all you are all dismissed" She said to everyone leaving the room.

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