Chapter 45: Marry You

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"I can't! I fucking can't!" I yells back

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"I can't! I fucking can't!" I yells back

"Why?!" Dimitry says

"Because I'm pregnant!" I finally let out not realizing the big mistake I just made.

24 hours before..

We landed in New York and now we are on our way to my house. "Slept well?" dimitry asks and I smile "I did." I turn to look at the window it's already pretty late and it's raining like hell.

I come in the house and ask Maria to take Dimitry to his room which I know tomorrow i'll get a bunch of questions from her but right now I want to go to sleep. I go into my room and look at myself in the mirror. Looking at my dark under eyes and then I look at my stomach. Please god please don't make it true, right now this can't be happening to me. I tell myself that everything will be alright and that tomorrow i'll find out with my doctor. I quickly change and go to sleep.

I wake up at 4 am and quickly got ready and left the house before anyone wakes up. I go up to the office to do some work before I leave for my appointment with Doctor Susan. I'm so nervous, I'm trying my best to not think about it but I can't. It's not that I don't want to have kids but not right now and mostly when I don't even talk to Luca anymore. I continue to work and then Jessy comes in screaming and hugging me saying she missed me and that to never leave again and I tell her to leave my morning open that Im not taking any meetings.

It was 9 am and i'm waiting here in the lobby for Dr. Susan, almost feeling my heart pump out of my chest from how fast it's beating. "Hello Victoria, what a wonderful surprise I got when my assistant told me you asked to see me" she says with a smile. Susan has always been a very nice woman and not to say that she is extremely beautiful for being already 50. "Yes well here I am" I say nervous laughing and we go into her office. "Okay so what brings you in?" Susan asks and I take a minute to reply. "My period is late"
"Okay well let's get you a cup and we'll do a pregnancy test and see what comes up" She says so calmly almost like telling me that it's okay that everything will be alright. I calm up and say okay.

I gave the lab people the cup and now I'm just waiting here at her office almost pulling my hair out from how nervous I am. Please Please god, I start to say over and over and then Susan comes in and seats down in front of me. "You are pregnant, you're two weeks in." She says so calmly and with a smile and I just feel my heart stop. I start to think of how am I going to protect it from this world. How am I going to back out of my deal with Dimitry. I don't want my kid to grow up in this world. No no no this can't be happening to me.

"Victoria?" Susan says and I look at her. "Are you okay? Do you need some water?" she asks. "No im fine" I say nodding my head. "I can see this news has taken you by surprise but if you want we can do a quick ultrasound and then talk about your options" She says probably read my fear on my face.

We go into another room and I lay down on the bed and unbutton my shirt. "I'm going to apply this gel on you it may feel cold" she says and turn the machine on and press the scanner thingy on my stomach.

 "I'm going to apply this gel on you it may feel cold" she says and turn the machine on and press the scanner thingy on my stomach

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"This right here is your baby" She says pointing at the screen and I look up at it and it's just a little small ball. I'm overwhelmed by everything I don't say anything I stay still. She prints the images and gives me them. She tells me about the options I have if I chose to keep it or if I chose to terminate the pregnancy.

I'm at central park now, I've been walking around trying to think of what to do but nothing comes to mind. I sit down on one of the benches and I look at the people here. Kids running around with big smiles, couples having picnics, families walking around. They all have one thing in common they are all happy smiling and laughing, not a care in the world. I envy their happiness, their normal, their company, but above all their innocence. I wish I can just have their simple life and their simple problems. I honestly don't like to pity myself because I find it cringe to complain about all this stuff when I have so much.

It's pretty late now, I'm on my way back home where probably Dimitry is pissed I just ditched him all day.

present time..

"You're pregnant?" Dimitry repeats what I said in shock and takes a sit. I sit down as well "Yea I barely found out this morning" I say. "We have to marry now" he says almost like a whisper. "What?! No I'm done I will not put myself at risk of your father finding out and killing me!" I say loudly fighting this. "Well sorry Victoria! But I have news for you if we don't marry right now he'll kill you either way and he'll still be in charge. This is the only way for I to take charge and for me to be able to kill him." He says but all I do is nod "No I can't do this can't you see! I'm fucking exhausted! I'm tired I feel like I can't fucking breath!" I say feeling a tear go down my check

"Hey hey it's okay" he comes in front of me and grabs my hands. "I don't even know why I'm crying" I say crying more. "Shh it's okay don't worry let it out" he says sitting next to me and bring me in, hugging me.

I start to open my eyes and I don't see anything it's dark. I turn on the lamp and I'm in my room. I guess I must've fallen asleep. I grab my phone and look at the time it's 2 am. I start to think about what Dimitry said and I think it may be the only way to get out of this mess. I'm worried about what if Viktor find out.

I wake up the next morning and go downstairs where I see Dimitry helping Maria make breakfast and I smile at how Maria is yelling at Dimitry that the strawberries aren't cut properly. I laugh and they both look at me and he chuckles. He comes close looking defeated "I guess cooking isn't my thing" he says and we both laugh. We look at each other

"I'll marry you" I say

"I'll marry you" I say

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