Chapter 53: New Beginnings

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"Victoria are you completely sure?" I ask her for the millionth time now

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"Victoria are you completely sure?" I ask her for the millionth time now. She rolls her eyes "God yes! and you can't judge me for wanting this for my kid, you'd do the same thing I'm positive". She's right I would I think all of us you choose this world would give it up for the safety of their kids. "Okay Victoria we will put this medication into your IV it won't kill you it will just slow your heart, so slow that the machine won't be able to detect it but everything will be working fine so don't worry about your baby it will be fine. We also have Dr. April to keep everything in check she works in the NICU side of the hospital" Victoria's doctor says I still can't believe he agree to do this but I mean if I were paid to do this and the hospital would also get a pretty good donation, I would do it.

They injected her the medication about 30 minutes ago, Victoria doesn't want Luca to be here but if she truly wants to believe that she's dead he has to. Victoria fell asleep and I go for Luca "Hey the nurse said you and I can go in but she's asleep right now" I tell him and he quickly gets up from the spot he was in and follows me to her room. He quickly goes to her side and at this moment I feel the guilt come up but I can't ruin this for her. I look at her and remember everything she has been through she deserves this happiness even if it's not with him.

I look at the machine, watching how her heartbeat it's already at 40 and going down

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I look at the machine, watching how her heartbeat it's already at 40 and going down. The machine starts to beep and he looks at it "What's going on?". The nurses come running in playing their part "You two need to leave she is going into cardiac arrest and we need space to work on her" the charged nurse tells us and Luca refuses to go but I drag him with me. "Why the fuck didn't they let us stay!" he yells loudly in the lobby. "Calm down they'll let us know right now" I tell him. I see his hands shaking, he's panicking. God Victoria I hope she knows that she's killing him.

Victoria's doctor comes with a nurse "Family member of Victoria Rodriguez?" he calls and Luca goes up to him "I'm her husband" he tell him. "Come sit down we need to talk" the doctor says and Luca nods no "No whatever you have to say just say it". "Your wife came in with a bullet wound but she had already internal bleeding and we were able to take the bullet out and control the bleeding but simply your wife was too weak after the surgery and the bleeding didn't stop we did all we could but she didn't make it. I'm sorry for your loss" the doctor tells Luca really selling it but Luca gets frustrated "What the fuck do you mean you did all you could! If you did then you are terrible doctors she would be alive if you did everything right" He yells at the doctor and grabs him by his white coat. Dom grabs Luca's wrist "She's gone, there is nothing they could've done". Luca lets go and demands to see her. "The patient wishes state for no one to see her after death and to be cremated, we aren't allowed to let you see her I'm sorry" the doctor says and Luca was about to go at it again but Dom gets in the way "Thank you" he tells the doctor and he leaves.

"It's okay let her rest brother, respect that this is what she wanted" Dom tries to calm down his brother. I grab the letter Victoria had gave me at her wedding night when she told me everything. "Luca this is yours" I give it to him "She gave me it on the day she married just in case her plans didn't go well" and he looks at the envelope with his name. I can see his eyes getting teary for the first time since they told him she was dead  Now all I have to do is get everything ready for her new life.

 I can see his eyes getting teary for the first time since they told him she was dead  Now all I have to do is get everything ready for her new life

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I wake up to nurses and Dr. April looking that everything is okay with my baby. Dr. April looks at me "Would you like to hear the heartbeat?" and I nod yes looking at the screen how tiny it is.

I hear it's heartbeat and my heart overwhelms with this new kind of emotion, it's so tiny but has a strong fast heartbeat

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I hear it's heartbeat and my heart overwhelms with this new kind of emotion, it's so tiny but has a strong fast heartbeat. In this moment it's when I realize how much I'm going to regret not having Luca by my side. "It's about 7 weeks and a healthy heart beat it's a fighter like his mom" the doctor says with a smile. She leaves me with a couple of photos of the ultrasound. "Okay Victoria Rodriguez passed away at 2045" Dr. Cohen says "In human time please" I say laughing "8:45 PM" he says and I let out a breath. "I will discharge you but remember clean the dressing and rest you had a lot of internal bleeding, have a nice brand new life" he says and all of them leave.

I'm left in silence and I think now it's when my heart finally starts to break, I feel my tears roll down my cheeks. I knew this wasn't going to be easy but I'm a mom now and I need to put it's needs before mine. "I promise you little one I'll always keep you safe" I say out loud rubbing my tiny belly.

Enzo comes for me and we go to the airport. We get out of the car and the pilot is waiting for us "Ready for a new life?" Enzo asks and I nod as I get in.

 We get out of the car and the pilot is waiting for us "Ready for a new life?" Enzo asks and I nod as I get in

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To new beginnings...

To new beginnings

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