Chapter 52: Death

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"No!" I hear Luca scream as I watch Viktor fall to the ground with a bullet on his forehead that I shot

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"No!" I hear Luca scream as I watch Viktor fall to the ground with a bullet on his forehead that I shot. It all happened so quickly that I didn't even felt when a bullet pierced through my upper right side of my stomach. "Victoria!! No, no, no" Luca kept on saying as he got closer to me and hold me in his arms. I was paralyzed, I couldn't talk, I was in shock. All my brain could think about is my baby, my baby who doesn't deserve this it's all my fault.

"Gio! go get the car!" Luca yelled to one of his man. "Hey baby it's okay it's okay everything will be okay just hold on" He kept on telling me but I think he was talking to himself, I could see the panic in his eyes. I don't even feel the pain of the bullet, it's like I'm frozen in time, numb to everything. I feel Luca picking me up in his arms and we go inside a vehicle all I see is him yelling at his men with that same panic. I hold his hand and it's like the adrenaline has gone away and I can suddenly feel the burning of the bullet in my stomach where he is putting pressure. "Ahh!" I scream and he holds onto my hand "Shh it'll be okay don't worry"

Somewhere inside we both know that I won't make it, this house is on the outsides of Russia the closest town is 40 minutes. By the amount of blood I've already lost these past days I'm guessing I won't even last 20 more minutes. I can already feel my body losing its warmth, I feel so cold. "Mike! Press on it! She's losing a lot of blood and she's sweating a lot! I think she has a fever which can't be good!" Luca yells at Mike driving as fast as he can. I turn to the side coughing up blood and I can see everyone's worried face. "Luca" I pause to catch some air "I'm" I keep on having to pause feeling like the air is not coming in my lungs "I'm sorry" I finally let out. I cough more blood and he puts more pressure on the wound "Hey no no you're going to be okay so don't you fucking dare say goodbye" He says with tears in his eyes. I wanted to grab his face and tell him it's okay but I suddenly feel a sharp pain, my eyes feel tired all they want to do is close.

I close my eyes and all I see is this beautiful ocean and I feel the waves go through my feet.

I close my eyes and all I see is this beautiful ocean and I feel the waves go through my feet

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I hear "Victoria!" in the back and I turn and I see a lady in white who looks like my mom.

I hear Luca scream "Victoria" and I look behind my seat and her eyes are closed, "step on it" I say firmly to my brother

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I hear Luca scream "Victoria" and I look behind my seat and her eyes are closed, "step on it" I say firmly to my brother. In less than 5 minutes we are at the hospital and the quickly put her in a bed and take her away. I look at Luca who just sits down on the ground next to the door they took her. I see him look at his hand almost the same way Victoria looked at hers when we found her.

We have been waiting for hours and nothing, Luca is still in the same spot waiting too

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We have been waiting for hours and nothing, Luca is still in the same spot waiting too. Finally the door opens and a nurse comes "Is Enzo here?" she ask and I stand up "the patient is asking for you" I see Luca stand up "Can I go too?" he asks the nurse. "No sir it's only one person at a time" she tells him and he nods but then looks at me kind of like he is pissed she asked for me instead of him.

I follow the nurse into her room where Victoria is talking to the doctor.  "Hey" I say and she looks at me and gives me a sad smile "Have you told Luca anything about the baby?" she asks kind of shocking me that is the first thing she tells me "No I didn't find it my place to say anything" I answer and relief washes over her. "Good because I've just asked the doctor to help me fake my death" she says like it's nothing to her. "What the fuck are you talking about?" I ask upset of her throwing away what I've been working on for the past week, her happiness. "To the world I have to die today in order to keep my baby safe I made a promise that if I got out of this alive that I would never ever put my child at risk, it deserves so much more than what this kind of life has to offer. So yes I'm going to need your help to fake my death. You are either with me or not but I will do this" She says and I know that once she puts her mind to something she does it. "What about when your kid asks about their father or have you even thought about how this will destroy Luca" I say and I've made her upset.

"Luca could never leave his world it's what he was born to do and as much as he may love me I could never live with myself knowing that he'll never be completely happy with the life I want for this kid. To my kid I'll be their mother and father and I'll try my best to be enough because I may not have met this baby but I have felt the connection we already have and I promise you I'll fight the whole world if it means to keep my child safe".

"Okay let's do this" I say not fully agreeing but I understand, I remember her dream of being better and she's finally has a chance even if in the process she leaves behind the man she has fully loved.

"Okay let's do this" I say not fully agreeing but I understand, I remember her dream of being better and she's finally has a chance even if in the process she leaves behind the man she has fully loved

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