Chapter 22: Too long

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I hate him!! I hate him so much! God no no I'm okay i'm okay he isn't here

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I hate him!! I hate him so much! God no no I'm okay i'm okay he isn't here. i'm in my room I locked it so Enzo wouldn't come and see the mess I am right now. Even if it's been a long time I can still feel his filthy hands on me and his smell of alcohol. Ahh I hate you Luca for being him back. I sit there for an hour having a meltdown, crying, pulling my hair, pushing my nails into my skin anything to make this disgusting feel go away.

I'm just in the bathtub sitting numb

I feel like that little girl Davis found in the street scared of everything scared to even look at herself because she still felt is hands on her

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I feel like that little girl Davis found in the street scared of everything scared to even look at herself because she still felt is hands on her. But i'm not that girl anymore no I'm the girl that went back and killed the fucker, i'm the girl the underground fears, i'm the girl that made a billionaire dollar company and I won't let this marriage bring me down no.

I get out of the bathroom and i'm about to go to sleep when I hear a knock on the door "Victoria please open the door we need to talk" Luca says I debate on opening it if I don't open it his gonna think i fear him so i open it

"I'm listening" I say with no emotion

"I'm sorry for what I did I shouldn't have" he says not even having the courage to look at me in the eyes

"Don't worry it was nothing" I say walking to my bed

"No that was something you went out of there-" I cut him off and say "I said don't worry" and turn around to look at him "Tomorrow i'm going to España I have business to go for and want to visit my father and don't worry this isn't because of the moment we had" I say with no room to argue he just nods and says good night and leaves.

I arrive in Spain and I'm on my way to my grandpa's house. I know he has a price and I will pay whatever he wants for me to know the truth of all of this.

They open the gates for me and the house looks like a castle but it gives me bad vibes already. I go in and the maid takes me to his office to wait for him

 I go in and the maid takes me to his office to wait for him

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