I hate a lot of stuff

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I'll put up a chapter later. Maybe after I do this. ._.

I'll try and make it longer for you guys because I haven't updated in a while.

So just sit back and enjoy this long list of things I hate ^_^

It's really long.

You should read if youre bored.

Tagged by @akashi_ryuuki

1. Tomatoes.
For some reason, I just really really hate tomatoes. They just taste... Bleh. But I'm OK with ketchup ^_^

2. Mushrooms.
Same as tomatoes, except maybe worse.

3. Avocado/ Guacamole.
Ew. I can't stand it. Especially in sandwiches. It's green and slimy.

4. Milk.
I gag when I see or smell or drink milk. I even throw up when I drink it. I dont know why. But if I don't see it in a drink -coffee- then I'm perfectly fine. Weird.

5. Celery.
It has this unique taste that disgusts me.

6. Spiders.
Don't get me started.

7. Heights.
More like a fear. But I really hate them. But I love roller coasters. I'm a strange person.

8. The weird lumpy feeling in your mouth after having hard candy.

9. School.
Everyone knows the feeling.

10. Piano.
Sigh. Korean piano teachers are the worst. They are too much for me.

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