𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟎𝟗

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YOU WOKE UP THIS MORNING to the sound of birds chirping.

Slowly opening your eyes you noticed that the sound became louder and louder by second, the original plan was to open your window and see what's happening, but once you turned your head your plan changed

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Slowly opening your eyes you noticed that the sound became louder and louder by second, the original plan was to open your window and see what's happening, but once you turned your head your plan changed.

There was a pigeon in your room, staring directly at you. How did it even enter? You taught.

"DAD!" You yelled.

Your father came immediately into your room after you yelled. "What?" He opened the door.

"There's a pigeon in here."

"What?" Your father asked, confused by what you just said, he walked further into your room to see it since he couldn't from the entry.

"There's a fucking pigeon in my room." You repeat, this time pointing at it.

"Uh, yeah that's- that's a pigeon right there." He confirmed.

"Yeah well no shit- can you please get it out of here?" You begged.

Normally you would take it out yourself but you weren't a big fan of birds, especially when they were in your room, staring at you.

"I'm sorry Y/N, but you know I'm allergic to birds in general." He was right, you knew that.

"Yeah, where's Kai?" You questioned.

"His at Tadashi's house, I drove him this morning." Tadashi is his best friend, you remember him telling you that he had a project to do.

Your dad started sneezing.

"Fine, I'll find a way to get it out...somehow." With that he left, leaving you with the only option, calling Bakugou.



After a few seconds, he answered.

"I need your help with something." You said, relieved that he answered.

"What did you fucking do now huh?" He asked with an annoyed tone.

"Why would you assume that it's my fault huh? I did nothing wrong Katsuki! But there's a pigeon in my room."

"A fucking what?"

"A pigeon! God, why does everyone ask 2 times!"

"Maybe because people normally don't fucking have a pigeon in their room, Y/N!" He yelled.

"Well don't fucking yell through the phone or my ears will stop working!"

"Whatever." The boy scoffed.

"Well, will you help me or what?"


"With?" You quoted the ash blonde. "What do fucking you think huh? With getting it out of here, of course!" You clarified.

"Can't you fucking do that yourself.?"

"If I could, you really think I would call you?" You rolled your eyes.

"Whatever, I'm on my way then."

"Thank you Katsuki! Love ya bye!" You hung up the phone.

He stared at his phone, 'love ya?' The fuck is that supposed to mean- But he shrugged it off and exited his house.

"I'm leaving, old hag!" He yelled.

"Wait-wait, wait." The woman stopped him.
"Where are you going." She raised an eyebrow.

"To get a fucking pigeon." The boy answered.

"A what-?"

"Nothing, I'll fucking explain later." He says.


"See, it wasn't so fucking hard idiot." The ash-blonde held the bird in his hands.


"It won't attack you, the fuck?!"

"Yes, it will! they're all evil! I SHOULD KNOW THAT!" You responded.

"Why? Do you have some shitty trauma with a bird?"

"Multiple birds." You corrected him.

"YOU DO?!"


Bakugou finally opened your window and let the bird fly outside, you let out a sigh of relief and went to hug him.

"Y/N? What are you doing?" He quirked his eyebrows.

"Hugging you, you blind?" You then ended the hug.

"You're so fucking weird today, first you tell me 'love ya' and shit, and now you fucking hug me?"

"Yeah, obviously I'm trying to make you fall for me, working already?"

Yes. "Fuck no, I'm leaving now."

"Awe man, already?" You whined.

He was about to open your door but you interrupted him.

"Hey, Bakugou."

"What?" He turned his head.

"Can I follow you home?" You say, smirking.
"Cause my mother always told me to follow my dreams." You continued.

The boy sighed. "You're starting with the fucking pick-up lines again? This one isn't even good and isn't your mother...you know...?"

"Mhm, I guess she followed her own dreams."
"Kidding, anyway, let's go!" You went with him.

"Where are you going?"

"Where ever you go, my love."

⎯⎯ ⎯⎯

pls I find this chapter so boring and idk what to do but I'm already planning on making a second part to it.

𝐓𝐀𝐏 𝐓𝐎 𝐏𝐋𝐀𝐘; ᴋ. ʙᴀᴋᴜɢᴏᴜWhere stories live. Discover now