Chapter 10 : A Finding

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Days passed and we lived peacefully. We had everything. There was nothing we needed. The undead were no longer a big threat as we were always prepared, and those creepers, as we named them, never appeared. Slowly days grew dull and uneventful.

After many uneventful days, I set out to hunt. Deeply in love with Stella, I called for her to join. I gathered my armour, my bow, a dozen arrows, and my trusty steel blade. We ventured out into the plains and searched for prey and eventually spotted a pair of wild cows. I crouched down to avoid detection and readied my bow. I pushed an arrow back against the string and I aimed for the first cow. I could see Stella crouch into position as well. She signalled me to fire first with a touch on my shoulder. Doing my absolute best to fight back the impulse to stare at her beauty, I held my breath and loosened my fingers. The arrow shot forward in a long arc. My arrow hit a target, but none of the cows fell.

Stella loosed her arrow and a cow fell, the other one unhurt and fleeing. Confused and slightly upset, I went to inspect my arrow. At the killing site, I scanned the area for anything else besides the dead bull. What did I hit? I was confused. Treading to where I have last seen my arrow, I tripped on something rough. It was a creeper. the green creature was easily camouflaged in the dense tall grass. This was the first creeper we had seen in weeks, and this finding made me wonder what was coming.

We dragged our prize back home, and discussed about the creeper. It may simply be a coincidence, but it never hurt to prepare. Walls were fortified, doors were barricaded and windows sealed. We had even made a secret exit in the storage room in case the situation was dire. Nights passed without incidents. Slowly, we calmed down and thinking the founding was a mere coincidence, we returned to our daily activities. Little did we know, what was to come.

The next day, it rained. Harder than any rain I had seen. Water poured from the heavens and soaked the land. Stuck in our house with nothing we could do, we stocked up on weapons and armour. Stella was about to fall asleep when we heard a low rumble from behind the house. She got up and went to the window to see what was happening. Immediately, she ran back and hastily made me fortify the house and ready my armour. Confused and still a tad sleepy, I did as she ordered. As I was finishing the last wall, I heard a low hiss. And the wall exploded into bits. Zombies and skeletons were quickly pouring into the gap. Panicked, I hacked and slashed my way to the storage room with Stella. We gathered as much food and supplies as we could and set the house on fire in hopes to obliterate them or at least slow them down.

Stella jumped in the emergency exit and I followed, blocking the opening with dirt and debris, ensuring a safe escape. We walked all the way to the other end of the exit and climbed out. In the distance, our house burned wildly, even in the rain. I couldn't believe we had lost our house just like that. With heavy hearts, we went into the forest, hoping for concealment between the trees.

Soon we reached the inner part if the forest. We were surrounded by huge dark oak trees, with leaves that covered the whole sky. The rain slowly turned into a drizzle, silencing the dark forest. When the sun had finally set, we set up camp and rested there, hoping for safety among the trees. I laid on the soft grass with Stella and said nothing. Neither did she. I was angry and sad that we had lost all we had worked so hard for so long for. As I turned my head to see Stella, I could see tears running down her beautiful face. She was as upset as I was.

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