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after doing ahem ahem

Taehyung: wow that was great.. !!
Jungkook: really you like it??
Taehyung: why?? did you not like it??
Jungkook: actually I thought you won't like it.. as you have done it with many persons who might have many experience,,..
Taehyung: but that was only having $ex but it is called making love baby..
Jungkook: I love you..
Taehyung: I love you more... let's sleep.. you have class tomorrow.. right??
Jungkook: hum.. good night..

.next morning

Taehyung P.O.V.

I woke up feeling pepper kisses all over my face.. I felt my baby gave few kisses on my lips and became a shy baby hiding his face in my crook.. I badly want to kiss him but I want to see how cute can he be?? soon after he kissed me few more times and this time I could not control myself and started kissing him back.... after pulling back he became a fresh red tomato.. and hugged me tightly hiding his face against my chest... why he has to be this much cute?? I wanna do it right now.. but he is way to young

Taehyung: is my baby shy??

he nodded in little..

Taehyung: ok.. no problem.. let's go and have some breakfast...

he was hugging me like KOALA .. his hands were around my neck and legs around my waist.. my hands are around his waist while my palm is under his bitt cheek preventing him from falling down .. I went to kitchen and made him sit on the counter..

Taehyung: so what does my baby wants for breaky??
Jungkook: aishkim ( Ice-cream)
Taehyung: no.. it's not healthy...
Jungkook: peweesh dwaddy (^◕.◕^) (please daddy with puppy eyes)
Taehyung: those puppy eyes won't work on me (¬_¬ )
Jungkook: peewti peweesh (pretty please)
Taehyung: no means no..
Jungkook: nuo one wovesh koo.. awll hatesh koo >︿<>﹏<(no one loves kook all hates kook )(tears brimming in his doe eyes )
Taehyung: aish aish don't cry.. ok fine (give up) you will get your ce-cream..
Jungkook: yum.. thanks dwaddy.. koo woves you ( thanks daddy kook loves you ) Taehyung: daddy love kook too ....

after breakfast we were cuddling each other in my room..

Jungkook: umm daddy..
Taehyung: hum baby??
Jungkook: have you ever fvcked momma??
Taehyung: umm.. we were never close that much..
Jungkook: can I request you one thing??
Taehyung: anything for my baby..
Jungkook: I will be hurt a lot if you fvck anyone except me..
Taehyung: don't worry.. I only belong to you





few seconds later

Taehyung: umm.. Jungkookah..
Jungkook: hum??
Taehyung: don't you ever feel bad for Bella??
Jungkook: like what??
Taehyung: she is your mother and I am her boyfriend....
Jungkook: she is not my mom...
Taehyung: what??!!!
Jungkook: yah.. you better call her my nanny.. actually my mother died while giving birth to me.. since then on she has been taking care of me.. and one day my father married her.. now it's been 12 years since appa is missing... and from then on she is looking after of our business..

Taehyung: wow.. never knew that..
Jungkook: you don't know many more things as well Mr.Kim..

(*I am sleepy*)

go check out the smut 

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