Chapter 1

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"SHUT UP!" The monster brought his hands up into his hair fisting it, he looked down at the blond haired girl crying. The girl's bottom lip trembled trying to hold back her sobs, she bites the inside of her cheek. The father was stressed and angry, he was scared. He is breathing heavily thinking what he can do, but he can't seem to think when the devil's spawn is standing in front of him crying because she wants to see her Mama.

Cassidy's Mama has been sick for a long time, in and out of the hospital. The doctors couldn't seem to find a solution, but the family got news not so long ago that her body was slowly shutting down and she didn't have long to live. The little girl Cassidy didn't know that she was that sick just that her Mama wasn't feeling well and was not coming home. The monster hates Cassidy, because he sees her as the one killing his wife, it all started when she was born. The father was happy when she announced that she was pregnant, who wouldn't be? He is getting a child with the love of his life. But now that child is taking her away from him.

And he never fails to mention it to the little girl in front of him "YOU! are the reason she is dying you little bitch" He points his finger at Cassidy. Cassidy flinges by the loud sound, she dislikes loud noises ever since she was little. The monster had always abused Cassidy, but there is one line he wouldn't cross, he wouldn't put a finger on her ever. That didn't mean he could throw stuff at Cassidy or verbally abuse her because he didn't lay a hand on her; it was the plate or glass. And he did it every time they weren't with her Mama. Her Mama loves Cassidy always have and always will, she is her little ball of sunshine, she did notice that she was a little skinny for a girl her age. She asks her trusted husband if he feeds Cassidy and he says "I do" he didn't lie but he wasn't feeding her enough.

"I'm sick and tired of hearing you cry all the FUCKING time!" He took a step towards the girl, Cassidy stepped back afraid of what he would do. He grabs the phone box on the table and throws it at the girl trying to shut her up, she screams and runs out of the way of the flying phone, and it smashes against the wall.

"You know what?" He steps over grabbing the little girl's upper arm hard enough to leave a bruise on her delicate skin. "You get the fuck out of here I don't want to see you again" Cassidy manege to grab a 5 dollar bill on the table by the door when she is thrown out of the door landing on the floor outside of the room. She looks back with a pleading look in her blue eyes, the monster didn't do anything other than slam the door shut and lock it. Cassidy stood up drying her tears away fisting the 5 dollar bill in her small hands.

She travels down the big stairs and sees the vending machine, she runs to it, her small bare feet could be heard against the disgusting carpet. She smiles when she gets to the machine, the bright light is shining against her pretty face. She looks over the different things in the vending machine, and desperately wants a bag of nuts, since it's the things that would stop her stomach's growl. But the only thing that the little girl could get was a BabyRuth chocolate bar. Not that she didn't like them, she loves them always getting them with her Mama at the hospital, when her and the monster is about to leave. She pouts when thinking of her dying Mama, always so nice to her, never as mean as the monster that calls himself her father, never dad.

The Winter Soldier walks into the cheap motel room, where his target is located. His file says that his name is Paul Gray and is 34 years old, works for HYDRA as a technician. But he wants out because of his dying wife, of course HYDRA doesn't let people get out, so he got to be the soldier's next mission.

When the soldier first steps into the room, it stinks of alcohol. Paul is standing with a bottle of whiskey in his right hand facing away from the soldier, he is mumbling about some evil girl taking his lovely wife away from him. The soldier was a little confused but didn't care. He cares only about finishing his mission and going back home, and he had to make it look like a suicide. The soldier steps behind him and slashes his throat with his pocket knife, it's a cheap knife so he could lay it in his hands so it looks like he did it. The soldier slowly lowers Paul to the ground not wanting to wake anybody up from their sleep, if he did he has to kill them too.

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