Chapter 4

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A few hours later a door from down the hall opened, the soldier quickly tightened his hold on the sleeping girl in his arms. The Winter Soldier hadn't slept while the tiny girl slept, he couldn't. The only time he got some rest was when he was in the cryostasis chamber.

The soldier watches the guard approche the door with a metal tray with two glasses and some food. The guard didn't look at the soldier simply opened the door, put the tray down and closed the door and left. The soldier waited until he could hear the door open and close at the end of the hall. He stands up and supports the girl in his arms as carefully as he could. Cassidy quickly woke up by the sudden movement, she must have been really tired because she didn't wake up from the guards noise.

Cassidy tugs at the soldier's arm wanting to get down, The Winter Soldier puts down the girl on the ground and proceeds to walk over and take the food. When he walks back and sits down with the tray in front of him, Cassidy sees the food and sprints over and almost jumps onto the tray to get the food, but before she could get it the soldier takes hold of her waist, lifting her up and placing her in his lap. Cassidy pouts, her stomach is growling for food to the point it starts to hurt.

The soldier sees the girl is desperate for food, because she is trying to get out of his hold just to get some of the small pieces of bread and dry meat. He quickly grabs one of the cups and drowns it before the girl could get what was supposed to be for him. He has always been drinking some kind of clear liquid, it is supposed to have all the nutrition that he needs. He wasn't allowed to eat normal food so he guessed the water, bread and dry meat was for his gift.

He takes a piece of bread and the girl tries to grab it but the soldier holds it out of reach of her grabby hands, Cassidy whines almost to the point of crying. She is starving and her stomach couldn't handle one more day without food. "нет" the soldier's raspy voice echoed in the empty cell, he moved it in front of the girl again and she grabbed his hand trying to pry the bread out of his metal hand. The Winter Soldier starts to get irritated that she couldn't understand him and clearly doesn't obey. He shifts the girl so she could look at his face he shook his head no "нет"


Cassidy grew scared to her it seems like she isn't allowed to eat it, her eyes immediately started to tear up just by the thought of not getting food. The soldier notices her teary eyes, he places the piece of bread in front of her lips and nods his head, Cassidy tries to grab the bread but the soldier moves it away. She whines and a single tear rolls down her cheek, the soldier places the bread in front of the little girl's mouth again and waits for her to do what he wants her to do.

Cassidy opens her mouth where the bread is and the soldier places the bread carefully into her mouth, just as he moves his finger she swallows the bread without chewing. "Замедлять" the soldier didn't want her to choke or puke just because she eats to fast. Cassidy isn't listening; she looks over to the tray and back at the soldier. The Winter Soldier pick up another piece of bread and the girl opens her mouth and just as before the swols before chewing

"Slow down"

The Winter Soldier grows frustrated that he can't communicate with the girl, he isn't allowed to talk other languages than Russian, otherwise he would. He picks up another piece but before he puts it into the waiting open mouth he stops "Смотреть. Медленно" he pretends to put something into his mouth and chews very slowly on nothing. Cassidy nods, understanding what he meant with it, he puts the piece of bread into her mouth and watches her chew slowly. He nods in approval and picks up the last piece of bread.

"Watch. Slowly"

"хлеб" Then puts the piece into her mouth and points to her, she is confused as to what he means with that "хлеб" he repites it and points to her again. "Kreaib" Cassidy tries really hard to say what he is saying and can't seem to roll her tongue just like the soldier. The soldier listens to the girl trying to say it again and again, but there is a long way to go before she learns the language.

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