Chapter 28

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Two weeks later 2014

The concrete floor was cold, even though Bucky had laid a blanket for them to lay on and a thin blanket on top of them. It didn't bother them, since they were used to the cold. They have been in Paris for almost three weeks now. Bucky had chosen Paris because of the many people and it would be easier for them to blend in.

It didn't make them less paranoid, they were constantly looking over their shoulders. Cassidy wasn't allowed to leave the abandoned building that was right outside of the capital, she tried to convince him to let her but to no avail. The building was big enough for them to hide if any people came. Bucky had already made out an escape plan if needed, which they both knew they would need. They were coming for them and it was only a matter of time before they would figure out where they were.

The building was covered in graffiti, all the walls had some kind of art. Some pretty, some not so much, a lot of it was satanic based graffiti. Bucky didn't think much of it, he saw a hideout and he took it. They stayed at the bottom in the basement of the building, the darkness helped them hide and the cold air in the night couldn't reach them from there.

Bucky had to find some new clothes for Cassidy, she couldn't walk around in ripped clothes anymore. People already looked concerned at her, when they first came to the city. People were giving them a side eye and a concerned look when they saw the dirty little girl beside a huge man with long matted hair.

He didn't know Cassidys size so he had to bring her with him. Bucky hid all of their belongings in the cracks of the walls and other places so if anyone came in there wouldn't be a sign of anyone living there.

Bucky found a small thrifting store, and they walked through two large white stands by the door. He found the aisle with kids clothes, he picked up two shirts in two different sizes and held them up to her body. They were both black, Bucky picked the biggest one so she had some room to grow. He found another shirt with a print of some princess they both had never seen before, she had really long hair and a pan in her hands with a big smile on her face. Bucky didn't mind the print and took it and placed it inside his jacket.

He found some pants, underwear and a hair brush for them both. He then walked over to the mens aisle and looked around. He couldn't stuff any more clothes into his jacket, but maybe he would be able to come back to get more a different day.

Bucky grabbed Cassidys hand and started to walk over to the exit by the register "Vous n'avez rien trouvé ?" the young lady asked behind the register. Bucky stopped "Non" . He panicked when the lady gave Cassidy a look. The lady gave them a small smile and a nod, before looking down into her computer.

"Didn't find anything?"


They both walked out, but when they walked through the white stands by the door an alarm set off. Bucky didn't think he grabbed Cassidy and threw her on his shoulders and ran. He pushed through people on the streets not caring one bit when they yelled at them. He looked behind them and saw two men in black yelling for them to stop.

Bucky rounded a corner and continued speeding with all his might down. He was already planning what city to hit next, if they found them. He knew there were cameras in the store and he made sure they couldn't see there face. The panic running though Cassidy couldn't even be explained, it was the same feeling of when Karpov would punish them the same feeling right before the pain.

Her hands were clampy and her body was shaking. The thought of the men could be HYDRA ran through her mind when Bucky was running down the busy street of Paris. Bucky spotted a big mass of people looking down at their phones, probably a big meeting with a common interest. He started to slow down and walked over to the people and stood in between them and helped Cassidy down from his back. He stood perfectly still, and when he saw the men in black starting to push through the crowd, he started to walk in the opposite direction and blended in with the busy people there.

In no time Bucky had lost them in the big crowd of people. He crossed another street heading towards the edge of the city, and back to their temporary home. Cassidy could finally breathe when she saw the building in front of them.

When they got inside and down into the basement, Cassidy started to pull out their blankets and their few belongings. Bucky started to take out the clothes he had stolen for Cassidy.

"Here try this" He picked out the black shirt. Cassidy took off her old shirt and laid it on the floor and took the shirt and put it over her head. It was a little too long in the sleeves but nothing that wouldn't work. She then tried the other shirt and pants all a little big for her skinny body. "They are a bit too big for me papa" She complained "More room to grow" Bucky replied and shook his shoulders. Cassidy looked down at the clothes on her body "I guess" She changed her underwear too.

"Sit down and turned around" Cassidy sat down onto the blanket and turned around, Bucky took out the hair brush and started to brush out her matted hair "Aw" Cassidy hissed "Stop complaining" Bucky said "But it hurts" She whined. "Yeah sure," He whispered. Cassidy hissed every time he would pull too hard on her hair or when her hair would get struck into the metal plates of his arm.

"Done" Bucky put down the hair brush "My turn" Cassidy said and ordered him to turn around and picked up the hair brush. Cassidy had to stand up before she was able to brush his hair. She stood up behind him and started to brush his matted hair.

Bucky hissed now and again when she would rip the brush though her hair, Cassidy giggled "Stop complaining" She said in a deep voice trying to sound like her papa "I don't sound like that" He hissed again "Yes you do"

"Do not"


"I don't" He hissed through his teeth. Cassidy stopped talking back to him and focused on brushing his hair. When she was done Bucky stood up and started to go though his bag and took out some chips he stole from when he was out.

"Here eat" He opened the bag and gave it to her "What about you?" She took the bag "I already ate" Cassdy knew he lied she could feel it radiating off of him. She sat silently and ate some of the chips and she thought of a way to get him to eat because she knew he wouldn't eat "uhm I'm not hungry anymore" She gave him the almost full bag of chips back to him.

He took the bag with a skeptic look on his face "You sure?" He questioned. Cassidy nodded and walked over to the bed "I'm tired. Good night papa" She covered herself with the blanket and turned her face towards the wall "Good night ангел" When she was drifting off to sleep she heard the bag ruffle and he sound of him eating the chips...


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