Chapter 29 - EWW!

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We step foot through the main doors of the school building and, with Jacopo and Aldus always flanking me we make our way towards the office. Once there the same petit woman from last week was behind the counter, when she saw me she gave me a shy smile and looked wrily at my two bodyguards before starting to leave the counter.

"Aldus, Jacopo you're dismissed." Both make a face before nodding their heads and slowly leaving the office.

"Good morning, miss." The shy lady greeted me.

"Good morning miss..?" She caught up to what I want and quickly answers me.

"Flora, miss, my name is Flora." She rambles and blushes profusely when I chuckle at her nervous rambling. This woman seems too cute to be working in a high school with nasty teenagers.

"Well miss Flora my name is Davina and I was told by my aunt to come here to get my schedule, books, and locker number as well as the locker keys." At the mention of my books and the rest of my shit Flora starts turning a worrisome tone of white and sweat beads start forming on her forehead.

"Are you alright, Flora?" I ask her worried and grab her arm when the poor woman starts swaying.

"I- I- I'm so sorry m- miss Dav- Davina bu-but I a... I-" She starts hyperventilating and I quickly understand she's having a panic attack. I try to smooth her, to help her calm down and clean away the few tears that fell from her eyes.

"What's wrong Flora? You can tell me what's bothering you." I whisper softly, trying to keep her calm enough to tell me what's wrong. She took a few deep breathes and then nodded her head as if to reassure herself of something.

"I- I left your things in my office to make sure they were secure. No one informed me of what time you would arrive and I didn't want to keep them at the counter with me when anything could happen to them but less than five minutes ago your nurse called me warning me that you were on your way and giving me a quick rundown about things to keep an eye on while you were here and so, I went to my office to get your things but when I got there- *deeps breath*, when I got there someone was inside and he wasn't happy with my interruption." Flora shivered at her last words and started turning pale again.

"So a kid invaded your office and you're afraid of kicking him out?" I ask her slowly, trying to make sense of this weird situation.

"Kick him out!?" Flora whisper yelled. "He would kill me if I dared to interrupt him again! I don't want to be his next victim!" Flora started fricking out but she managed to keep her voice down, almost as if she was afraid of the guy hearing her rant.

Whoever she's afraid of is about to get a taste of Sage Sinner's temper because I won't stand for bullies like this piece of shit!

Blaze gave me a strong kick as if she was agreeing with me and that was all I needed to get a move on.

"Flora where is your office?" The woman's eyes widen comically at my question and she looks at me as if I had grown a second head.

"Are you crazy Davina!? That boy is not to be messed with! He is in the mafia!" She whispered harshly at me and refused to show me her office.

"Ug... Flora, don't be complicated and just show me where your office is, I promise I'll take care of it. And as far as I'm concerned, I have enough connections to get me out of trouble with some little gang in case that ever happened." Flora eyes me as if I had lost my mind and slowly nods her head, almost as if she was afraid I'll decide to use my connections against her.

"O- Ok, they might be finished by now." She whispered and guided me out of the office. She turned the corner beside the office and walked me down the corridor until we started approaching a door with weird noises coming out of it.

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