Chapter 33 - Heart attack

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Soon after leaving the canteen Zeke left us to go to his class, he is still in junior year, eleventh grade, and so he isn't in any of my classes. I literally pouted when he explained that to me, these pregnancy hormones are fucking up with my head big time, besides being a forgotten mess I'm also an emotional one!

"Why are you pouting, Davina? We're close to our classroom but I can guarantee you that the teacher is still not there." And here I go again pouting! And why does Hazel have to be so sweet and attentive? It makes me want to cry... Blaze, I want you out as soon as you are ready, my daughter, you're fucking up with my head!

"Ignore me, I'm still moping over not sharing classes with Zeke." Isaack, who I only now noticed has been laughing his ass off while looking at my pout, suddenly snorted loudly and got himself between me and Hazel and mumbled only loud enough for the two of us to hear: "Sinner alert." And starter stirring us quickly away from there.

Curious to see which one of my brothers we were 'running' from I turned my head back and saw Vin opening a locker and taking his things out. His posture tensed and he slowly and discretely started looking around, knowing I had been caught I keep on watching him, trusting Hazel and Isaack to steer me away from trouble while I was distracted watching my brother. Vin soon caught me watching him and locked his gaze on me like I had done to him. He frowns his eyebrows and wrinkles appear on his forehead while a confused expression takes over his face, I keep eye contact with him until we turn a corner and I lose sign of him, only then do I turn around to face forward and see that Hazel had seen our interaction.

"People don't usually keep eye contact with the twins, even less for so long like you did, that's why he was confused." She quietly explains to me in whispers.

Soon we reach classroom number 13 B, our classroom for the next two hours or more, half of the class was already here but not the teacher.

Thank god for that.

"Let's go seat in the back." Isaack said and guided us to the back of the class and close to the windows. We sat down in the last row, Hazel sat to my left, on the windows' side, and Isaack on my right, on the desk next to ours.

I could feel a few pairs of eyes on me but I choose to ignore them and instead focus my gaze outside. A not that big cloud of smoke dissipating in the air caught my eye, I followed the direction from which it came and found Diesel Sinner with a killer stick in his mouth.

If mom was here she would beat his ass and make him chew on bubble gum until he got rid of his vice! But... I can't blame him, I can drive any sane man into madness and he's going to have to put up with me for the rest of his life so I kind of understand his stress... And here are my mood swings! One moment I'm angry and in the next, I pity the guy! Ugh! I hate these shitty hormones...

I turned my attention back inside the classroom and see that almost every seat is taken and then, I notice the eyes. The eyes that are watching, gazing, and observing my corner of the classroom with the utmost attention. Never for one second during the next three minutes does this person's gaze falter, but my patience does and so I scout the room looking for the rude person. This person confidentially so happens to be on the other side of the classroom in the corner seat opposed to mine, casually sitting sideways on his chair, while gazing at Hazel who is distractedly writing things in sticky notes.

"Damn, my brother has it bad..." I absently whisper and catch Hazel's attention by accident. Hazel lifts up her head, humms in question, and follows my gaze towards Vin who is still impassively gazing at her. She blushes profusely when she catches Vin's eyes and Isaack loudly huffs before sending my brother death glares.

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