Chats with Jean Chap.11

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A few days had passed since the ball you had busy as of late sometimes training with Jean and the other knights you had gotten better with your handle of the bow In target practice although you trained in that for three years already you knew that even the best master needed practice yesterday night you had gotten intel from the fourth company of  Cryo Mage and Pyro Mage causing havoc within the villages on the outskirts of Mondstatd you rushed into action quickly with Calvary fending them off until you were able to land the final shot destroying them It was an eventful and action filled night you came out with only a slight injury to your wrist.

you were out having a stroll In the gardens looking out at the valleys beyond your manor you could see the dawn winery grape fields from here thinking if you squinted your eyes enough you might've been able to see Dawn Winery Manor you smiled to yourself with a blush as Diluc came to mind you wondered what he was up to at the moment It seemed he was a busy man now as you were a very busy woman which came with being heir to a prominent clan you tried to keep his words in mind about not pushing yourself too much with the paperwork and such

you sighed before bending down to give the Violets a smell they were your mother's favorite flower when you were a little girl you'd have some brought to you by Kaeya to give her as he was the only one who dared to pick the flowers from this manor you giggled at the memory you kept walking before looking up to the sky It was clear of clouds this afternoon 

just then Christa rushed up to you "My Lady...Lady Jean is here"

you turned with a smile looking to see Jean approaching she was dressed more casually not in her Knight attire you picked up your skirts going to meet her and you exchanged hugs 

she smiled "I came to check on is your wrist"

you felt your wrist "It's alright just a little sprained"

she nodded "oh that reminds me we didn't get to talk about the ball...or anything of interest"

you smiled gesturing to the table with black Iron chairs "alright...let's sit over tea"

you went over sitting down on the black Iron chairs at the table with Christa soon bringing the silver cart with the tea set and three tier display with fresh scones she poured tea for you both 

you smiled "thank you Christa...why don't take a break as well please help yourself"

Christa smiled shaking her head "It's not proper my lady I couldn't"

you got another teacup pouring her some tea holding it out to her "please"

she smiled with a bow taking the cup "thank you"

Jean smiled "you're so very kind (Y/n)"

you smiled "It's not just that Cousin Jean I also see everyone as equals no matter social status"

she patted your hand before she picked up her tea having a sip "so...about that ball I saw you dancing with Master Diluc"

you blushed "well yes..."

she covered a giggle "your face is very red...well how do you think of him now"

you smiled warmly "I think of someone I love"

Jean smiled "It was only a matter of time for you to fall In love with him...I'm happy for you"

Jean already knew the truth about how Diluc felt about you from the ball but she couldn't bring herself to say It as It'd be best if he confessed to you himself so she stayed quiet 

"also...It seems that Kaeya was trying to romance you"

you blushed "not really he was being his usual self...although I've heard ugly rumors around town that....he's a womanizer It sounds ridiculous"

Jean sighed "those aren't rumors (Y/n)"

your eyes widened "truly not"

she picked up a scone " a heartthrob to many women they always fawn over him and he sometimes goes Into to town just to flirt or...have a good time that's why he doesn't have a stable relationship or partner as he's had many girlfriends"

you were appalled "oh...when did he get like this"

she shook her head "no one knows...I was shocked myself"

you then remembered the words Diluc told you long ago about not to associate with Kaeya so much as he was a changed man this made more sense after hearing the rumors and truth 

you sighed having a sip of your tea "despite this...Kaeya is still an old dear friend of mine"

Jean nodded and shifted in her chair before she stood "I wish I could stay longer but I must be going I have a lot of work to do"

you gave a nod putting down your cup standing up "Alright"

she smiled "take care I'll come back for another chat soon"

you smiled with a nod watching as she left from the gardens you then went back to sit down starting to think you wondered If It would be best to distance yourself from Kaeya or just confront him outright about the rumors sure It wasn't your business but you cared about him and you hoped he wasn't romancing girls before breaking their hearts It sounded awful.

His Fair Lady, Diluc Ragnvindr x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now