Late night visits Chap.12

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Later on...

you had just finished eating dinner now heading upstairs to your bedroom as to get ready for the night you went over to your vanity table sitting down as you started to take down your hair undoing the style It was put in taking out a few pins letting your long hair fall down your back you took the brush starting to brush through it then taking off the little makeup you wore along with your earrings and necklace placing them back into their box you stood going behind the dressing screen where Christa brought you one of your nightgowns you undressed with her help before putting on the long white nightgown It was very comfortable and warm 

you weren't that sleepy yet so you decided to stay up and read for awhile you took your favorite book from the shelf going to sit In the lounge chair by the window Christa brought a candle lighting it before setting the holder onto the little table so you'd have some light to read with

you turned to her "thank you Christa please do get some rest It's late I'll be up for awhile"

she bowed "yes goodnight my lady"

she then left your bedroom closing the doors behind her leaving you as you opened your book starting to read occasionally looking out onto the balcony at the starry sky soon getting back to reading it seemed some time had passed you started to feel tired so you closed the book 

you covered your mouth In a yawn standing up but then you heard the sounds of tapping on the balcony glass doors you turned seeing someone you gasped backing away but then the doors opened and the person grabbed your hand you gasped trying to get out of their hold as they pulled you out onto the balcony you struggled "let go of me!"

but just then the person became Illuminated by the moonlight and you stopped 

your eyes widened "....Kaeya"

Kaeya chuckled "sorry...sorry If I frightened you"

you let out a sigh placing a hand to your heart "Kaeya...have you no shame...I thought you were.."

"a burglar or ruffian coming to abduct you...sorry I gave you that Impression"

you smiled shaking your head "It's late what're you doing here"

he smiled "I came to see you M'lady as this Captain is rather lonesome"

you giggled as he let go of your hand sitting atop the balcony rails looking up at the sky you walked over to his side not saying a word as to let the awkwardness pass he then started to gaze at you with his Icy colored eye his heart started to beat faster with a blush coming to his face as he remembered his true purpose of coming so late to see you he hopped down from the rail bringing you into his arms and you blushed as he wrapped his arms around you 

he smiled "you have no Idea how much I missed you the past three years"

you smiled starting to hug back "I missed you and Diluc too..."

he brought his hands up caressing your hair gently "why must you break my heart like this..."

you were confused "hm?"

he the parted holding you by the shoulders "I can't keep it from you any longer...I...I'm In love with you"

your eyes widened as you stood there stunned by his words but his next action left you speechless all the more he cupped your cheeks placing his lips upon yours In a kiss you blushed not knowing what to do nor say unmoving but then he broke the kiss stepping away 

he took a breath " love is true"

you covered your mouth turning away from him as you processed what just happened he confessed his love and kissed you thus taking away your first kiss you couldn't believe It 

he gently placed his hands on your shoulders "what If I were to propose to you right now...would you let me take you away from here"

you turned around facing him "Kaeya...I...I don't know what to say"

he took your hands "say you love me too and I promise I'll make you the happiest woman In the world...I won't ever leave you"

you looked down holding his hands back "Kaeya...I...I care about you very much but...I love someone else I'm sorry"

he sighed letting you go "let me guess...It's brother Diluc"

you blushed crimson " di-"

he chuckled "I know you well enough M'lady...I've known for a longtime"

you looked down starting to clench your nightgown a bit but then he took your hand kissing it a few times you abruptly took your hand back clearing your throat looking him in the eye 

" say you love me've spoken those words to other women haven't you"

he felt like his world ground to a halt before he let out a dry chuckle "that's...not"

you turned "Jean told me...the rumors In town are true about you romancing many women...I didn't want to believe It"

he rubbed the back of his head "those are...just flings I've had nothing to worry about"

you furrowed your brows "Kaeya...It's still not right for you play with woman's hearts"

he crossed his arms "so what do you also think I'm a lecherous man now"

"I don't I'm just wondering what's made you like this..."

he sighed getting closer and closer to you until you were pinned against the balcony rail 

he got close to your ear "It's because...I missed you and couldn't be with you..."

your eyes widened but then you pushed him away "all because you couldn't...have me"

 "exactly...I didn't want you to see me as some bad womanizer but It's already too late I guess...despite the flings I've had In the past the words I've told you tonight are true as the sky is blue...I'm In love with you I..I can't just give you up"

you didn't know what to think In fact you were a little frightened but then you saw a glint of sadness and heartbreak In his eye making your fear melt away you felt bad for him honestly

you took his hand " has great things In store for please stop drinking and Indulging yourself In the swarms of woman...even though I love someone else...I know you'll one day find the love you've been looking for your an amazing man Kaeya"

he sighed placing his hand atop yours "I know...but please don't think of me as...a bad guy"

you looked up into his Icy eye reaching up to touch his cheek "I don't and I never will"

you got on your tip toes wrapping your arms around him bringing him down into a hug and he slowly hugged you back bringing his hands up to your hair this lasted for awhile you tried to break the hug he was hesitant but he soon let go stepping away from you he bowed 

he smiled "I'll be going now Lady Gunnhildr...I hope we'll cross paths again soon"

you giggled "perhaps"

he turned getting atop the railing before he soon jumped over and down safely landing on the grass waving to you as he ran off Into the night you then placed a hand to your heart letting out a sigh as you thought back on all that just happened you couldn't believe he was in love with you but you told him you loved someone else that being Diluc which he figured out quickly you knew he probably wouldn't tell Diluc which you were grateful for you felt very sad for Kaeya knowing that he wasn't a womanizer on purpose he used it to try getting over you but It didn't work In your heart you wished him happiness hoping he'd move on from you and find the one who could be with him and make him truly happy with this thought you turned going back Inside.

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