Taking a Step Chap.34

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After that day you kept your Pregnancy hidden, just until Diluc returned and In the meantime you'd been trying to take a few steps, you had a crutch fashioned for you and you'd been practicing to walk with It every few days, and each time you were helped by Adelinde or Elzer with Jean sometimes coming to help you, It was difficult but you tried your best to take a few steps at least and you hoped you'd soon be able to walk by yourself with the crutch

It had been three weeks since finding out you were pregnant, and you'd soon be going into your fifth month in another two weeks, Diluc had been sending a few letters to you about Fontaine or expressing how much he missed you, and you wrote him back equally expressing your missing him and that you hoped he was enjoying Fontaine despite It being a business trip, and he told that he was enjoying the sights of the city there, and he even explained about some of the ways of flight for transportation which astounded you, but in Teyvant It seemed anything could be.

it was a warm breezy afternoon, you were In the middle of sewing a pair of socks for the baby, you decided to start making something for it right away, you remembered when your Mother taught you how to sew and do needlework you always struggled at first, but now after years It seemed you finally got the hang of it, just as you got caught up in your own thoughts you didn't hear as Adelinde ran over to you In a hurried manner "My lady!"

you turned, "yes? is everything alright?"

Adelinde smiled, "The Master is home"

"Is he really?" you asked excitedly 

she nodded, you then smiled as you reached for the crutch and Adelinde helped you to stand up, you then started walking with her help but then as Diluc came into your sights, you let go of Adelinde's hand as you hobbled by yourself with the crutch 

"Darling! Diluc!"

Diluc looked around for you upon hearing your voice, and he came around to see you walking to him In which he was shocked, "(Y/n) you're walking"

you smiled with a nod, hurrying a little quicker to him and he met you as he brought you into his arms, you nearly stumbled into him as you hugged him back, and you rested your head against his chest as he held you closely, just as you realized It would now be a good time to tell him 

you looked up at him, "Diluc, the doctor came to see me a three weeks ago"

"really, what happened?"

you started, "I was having tea In the garden with Barbara and Jean, I felt that sickness again and It was worse than before, I fainted and Jean sent the doctor for me"

Diluc let out a sigh and he held your shoulders, "Oh Barbatos, are you feeling better now?"

you smiled, "yes much better, in fact I have something to tell you"

Diluc gave you his full attention, "I'm listening"

"The doctor told me that I'm pregnant, about four months now"

Diluc's red eyes widened, he stared at you in disbelief but then he came out of it as he started chuckling happily, he lifted you up by the waist "Is It true, Is It real"

you smiled, "Yes, it is"

Diluc set you down carefully, "this is...I don't know what to say, but I'm happy...so very happy My Heart"

Diluc brought you into a kiss and you kissed back, with him pressing a few kisses to cheek as you giggled, and he felt himself tear up while he placed a hand on your stomach 

you smiled warmly, "Darling...we're going to be parents"

Diluc smiled lovingly, "Yeah, and I'll do all I can to be the best Father I promise you"

you intertwined your hands together as he then kissed your hand, while you placed your hands onto your stomach where your growing child resided within.

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