Noon Tea Chap.32

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It was a warm day late In July, but there was a gentle breeze blowing through the air, Diluc was currently away from home at the moment, he had a little business trip to go on, and it took him to Fontaine the Hydro Nation which was a great way away from Mondstadt, he had a great trading and business partner there, he invited you to come along but you couldn't this time as you were unwell once again, this made Diluc want to cancel the trip but you stopped him and told you'd be better soon, Diluc didn't feel all that reassured and so he promised he be back home soon,

you were sitting in the wheelchair next to the window, waiting, It had been a day since Diluc left and the weather was really nice so you had an Idea, you decided to Invite Jean and Barbara over to have tea with you as you were feeling better now, they'd be by at noon, Adelinde was in the kitchen helping Elzer to prepare the few sweets you'd enjoy with tea

you let out a sigh, just then one of the maids came "Your Ladyship, your Cousins have arrived"

you smiled with a nod, "Thank you, please take me to them"

she bowed and came to push the wheelchair, taking you to the front entrance of the manor where you saw Jean and Barbara, they were dressed up a little bit 

you smiled, "Jean, Barbara welcome"

Barbara came over and hugged you, you hugged her back as Jean came to to join In, you all then starting moving outside to the gardens, In which Adelinde had just set up the table cloth and chairs, and Elzer brought out a three tier pastry holder, filled with little brownies and different kinds of scones, she wheeled you over to your spot at the table, Jean and Barbara then sat 

"so, how is your recovery" asked Jean

you started, "It's all well, but I would like to try walking a bit if I could, I'd just need a crutch"

"I see, that would be helpful If you want to take a step soon"

Elzer placed the fine teacups and saucers onto the table, he then poured tea In all three of your cups, Barbara looked over the desserts and chose a cherry scone, you picked a blueberry one

taking a bite, It was very nice with softness and was crumbling a bit, you wiped the crumbs 

"where is Master Diluc today" asked Jean 

"He's left for Fontaine, for a business trip"

Barbara nodded, "I see, we have family In Fontaine If I remember"

you smiled with a nod, "yes that would be...Cousin Franz, and Aunt Anna"

Jean picked up her teacup, blowing on the tea before she had a sip and placed one sugar into It

you had a sip of your tea too, "how are things with the Knights"

"well, though your brother In law misses you on missions"

you giggled and rolled your eyes, "That Kaeya"

you let out a sigh, "I promise I'll get well soon, so I can resume my duties"

Jean touched your hand, "still strong willed as ever, but take It easy for now alright"

you nodded In response, just as you were about to have a bite of your scone, you retched as you then quickly covered your mouth with your handkerchief 

Jean furrowed her brows, "are you alright?"

you took in a breath, just as you tried to play It off and sip your tea but you retched again, 

Barbara got up and came around to you, she rubbed your back "what's the matter"

you shook your head, touching your chest "I don't know...but It's been getting worse everyday,"

"Alright, no more stalling this I'll send a doctor to come see you (Y/n), Diluc the both of us are very worried"

Jean called for Adelinde, "Adelinde, please send for the Ragnvindr family doctor to see your lady"

"yes right away Grandmaster"

you coughed as you tried to suppress the sickness that you felt, Barbara quickly wheeled you back inside the house as Jean followed, but then all of a sudden you had a dizzy spell come over you and you leaned back almost lifelessly, Barbara gasped "oh my! (Y/n)!"

Jean shook you, "(Y/n)! what happened please speak to me!"

"Jean, we've got to get her upstairs to rest," said Barbara

"I know, perhaps we can lift her together"

Barbara nodded, Jean the lifted you from behind and Barbara held onto your legs as Jean backed up the stairs carefully, you were actually almost weightless 

they carried you upstairs and to the bedroom, where Adeline soon returned to help you change with the news of the Doctor's soon arrival.

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