Chapter X

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~TW- Minor self-harm~

Not even an hour later, Rupert heard shuffling and mumbling outside the door. He looked up to see the door slide slowly open... and four soldiers appeared.

Rupert recognized the first one as he dramatically planted his feet through the doorway.

"Quentin Alabaster," he mumbled, so only he could hear. Quentin was even more high-strung and grumpy than Rupert- if that was even possible. Rupert didn't like him very much, but then again, Rupert didn't like anybody.

Quentin had floofy brown hair and a poofy beard contained by green headphones similar to Charles'. He wore an unbuttoned green plaid shirt, with a government star on the sleeve, a lighter colored army green t-shirt, black jeans, and knee-high brown lace up boots. His bright orange eyes shone with determination as he signaled the other three to go in different directions, and raced toward Rupert, Charles, and Dave.

Quentin pulled out a ring of keys and began trying them in the lock.

"Nice day, isn't it, Alabaster?" Rupert remarked, unamused.

Quentin groaned. "At least I'm not partnered with the two idiots. We can pretend the Bukowski twins and Grit are better." he replied in his usual strangely high-pitched voice.

The two idiots he was referring to were Josh Taylor and Drake Camper, two greenhorns that had been placed under Quentin's watch. They often neglected their posts to escape to the bar, and almost always seemed to be drunk. The Bukowski twins, Calvin and Konrad, were admittedly better, although they did get into fights a lot.

Finally, he found the right key. "Alright, head to the brig. We've got a helicopter right outside there. Just don't get caught." He shot the three finger guns, then scurried away to rescue more people.

"Okay, stay behind me," Rupert said, stepping out of the cell. "Shouldn't we help more people escape?" Charles asked innocently.

"We don't have keys, dimwit." Rupert replied.

"Oh." Without the others seeing, Charles grabbed his arm, but stopped himself before he could hurt himself.

He exhaled deeply and let go.


They made their way through the halls towards the brig. They had made it to a crossing between two halls when they heard footsteps ahead of them. Rupert and Dave scampered to the left, while Charles ran to the right.

Rupert peeked around the corner and saw that it was Henry! He pulled Dave closer, but Dave slipped and fell. Henry raised his head in alarm from the sound.

He began to walk towards the hallway Rupert and Dave were now sitting in. He was just about to round the corner when...


He turned his head to see Charles running towards him.

"Henry! I need to talk to you!!"

"Charles?!?" he yelled in surprise. "How are you out of your cell?!?"

"Wait, I need to ask you a question!"

"Get back in your cell before I have to put you there myself!"

"But Henry, I-"

"I said GO!"

They stood in silence. "Wh-what happened to you?" Charles whispered.

"What happened to me?" Henry growled. "I realized what my full potential is. All the power I can have. I realized what's good for me!"

"But you were so kind before! I-" "I was an idiot before! Like you are now! Being kind isn't going to get me anywhere!"


"Now shut up and go back to your cell."

"But Henry-"


Charles took a step back, bewildered by the hate in Henry's words. Tears formed in the corners of his eyes.

"H-Henry, I-"

Faster than Charles could realize what he was doing, Henry pulled a pistol out from under his cloak and shot him square between the eyes.

Charles screamed with pain as he staggered back. Breathing heavily, he grabbed at the wall, trying desperately to stand, but he couldn't take it anymore.

He fell to the ground, his lifeless body crumpled in a heap.

Henry strode forward, as if nothing had happened, kicking Charles' body out of his way as he continued down the hall.

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