Chapter Thirty-eight

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*Your POV*

We had music in the background, Rae was telling them how the trip went, how we spent all the time we had and they told us how was back here when we were gone.

Janet- *Yawn* I have a morning lobby, Imma head out

Poki- Yeah, I think we can finally sleep well

Rae- True, knowing everything is fine

Y/n- Okay, let's go inside then

Janet and Poki went to their room, I waited for Rae to stretch and we headed to her's

Rae- *Sigh* This has been a crazy week

Y/n- Yeah

Rae- Finally everything is going back to normal

Y/n- Yeah...

Rae- Whats wrong?

Y/n- Nothing

Rae- You sure?

Y/n- Yeah

Rae- I've seen that face before, and also you are just responding "Yeah"

Y/n- Its just...

Rae- What?

Y/n- With all this I started thinking about you

Rae- What do you mean?

Y/n- I can't imagine how you felt while thinking I was... well you know

Rae- Dead?

Y/n- Exactly, so I was thinking if that scenario happens I'm cool knowing you'll have Imane and Janet to be with you, eventually you'll be fine and you'll keep going, that's exactly what I want. You'll find someone else and live the way you know, being the best content creator and the best person I know

Rae- *Kiss* Why you say all this?

Y/n- This scenario is a possibility, but it's not like really possible, you know?

Rae- Sure

Y/n- And, don't misunderstand what I'm trying to say but I can't think of how I could keep on if I loose you

Rae- Babe, that won't happen

Y/n- What if I screw everything up and I loose you? How would I live if everything I care about is gone?

Rae- Do you plan on leaving on me?

Y/n- What?! No!

Rae- Then?

Y/n- I don't know, I'm not perfect and I'm afraid I'll push you off eventually, in the end everyone leaves me, that's how it always is

Rae- Come here


Y/n- *Sigh*

Rae- Nobody's perfect, but I choose being with you with all your mistakes as you choose being with me even with everything I am and I've done

Y/n- But you're worth it

Rae- So are you

Y/n- Rae...

Rae- Shhh, we're together, let's keep loving us everyday and see where we go, if you ever make a mistake I'll be there to forgive you cause I love you

Y/n- Thanks

Rae- No problem

I got next to her in bed

Rae- I wouldn't get with another person as fast as you think I would

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