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I continued running in the forest and managed to cross through the main road when suddenly I felt someone grab me from behind.

I felt tense and the hairs of my arms and my legs stood up. I quickly turned towards the person, it was a strange man. Without thinking who he was, I pleaded for help.

"Please, help me! Some people are trying to kill me!" Tears streamed down my face as I grabbed his arm, staring at him, and hoping that he would heed and get me out of here.

He had a tender expression on his face and didn't say a word, almost like he didn't trust me.

"Please." I implored him.

He looks around for a bit,

"Alright, but if you turn out to be a pretty thief, I'll have you arrested for wasting my time. Follow me." He says, and I stuck beside him until we got to where he hid his car,

He unlocked the door and helped me in. I curled on the seat as tears sprang into my eyes.

The man got in and started the car, he didn't interrupt me and just drove. I must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, I was lying on a chair in an unfamiliar house.

I got up gradually and took a glance around, in front of me was a picture of Luke in what seemed like a conspiracy board, a collage of media from different sources, pinned to a pinboard, interconnected with string to mark connections. What's this?

"Good, you're awake." I startled around and saw the man from before, "I was starting to worry. Here, have this." He handed me his cup of coffee.

"Why have you brought me here?"

"You fell asleep in my car, and I didn't know where to take you, so I brought you here. Now that you're awake, is there anyone you would like to call? Or perhaps we should stop by the station and make a report."

"No, no stations, not right now." I begged him. "Just drop me at the nearest bus station, I'll be fine when I get home." I ignored his questioning gaze.

"Is that what you're wearing?" He pointed at my clothes, I still had on the uniform, I can't be seen out like this. "Here, take this." He passed me some clean clothes, "The bathroom is over there, freshen up and I will drop you wherever you want."

I nodded and went in.

I cleaned up and made my way back into the living room, he wasn't in the room when I stepped in.

I reached and took a closer look at the board. Why does he have Luke up here? Is Luke in some sort of trouble? I wondered.

"You ready?" He walked up to me.

"Yeah. ..What's all this?"

"Work." he answered simply.

"Who exactly are you?"

He reached into his pocket and pulled out a card, "Detective Mark Hardy. Sorry, I should have said that earlier."

"What's all this, detective?"

He sighs slightly, "I'm working on a case involving the Amore Center. ...There's been a lot of conspiracy surrounding that center lately. I got a tip that they might be funding an illegal underground syndicate."

"Then what are you waiting for to shut down the place?"

"It's not that simple, that center is fuelled by a lot of powerful families, you would be shocked by people keeping that Center afloat."

"You mean these men on your wall?" I took another look.

"Most of them, yes."

"What about him?" I pointed at Luke's picture, "Luke Hampton."

"Are you familiar with Luke Hampton?" he asked.

I think twice before muttering, "huh, I-I used to work for the Hamptons." I lied. Whatever Luke's gotten himself into this time, I didn't want it coming back to me and the kids.

"For now, I can't say how he's involved in all of this. Do you mind if I ask you some questions?"

"Um, yeah." I nodded.

He quickly grabbed a note. "Did you escape from The amore center?"

"Yes." I replied,

"And, what exactly goes on in that place?"

I told him everything, every rule in that place, every punishment, every lesson. "You can't imagine the state of women in that place, from torture to chains, it's horrible."

"How did you escape?" he asked.

"My friend and I came up with a plan, actually, she came up with the plan, but I got away and she didn't, I feel really bad. .."

"And, How did someone like you end up in a place like that?" he asked the inevitable.

"I was just as unlucky." I replied simply,

He paused and gazed.

"Um, Is there anything else you would like to know, detective?"

"No. ...I would need you to give an official statement, that way we can get an injunction on that center as soon as possible. Is that okay?"

I nodded,

"We should go--"

"What happens--" I cut in, "I mean with Luke Hampton? What would happen to him?" I was worried.

"If he's guilty he would have to face the law like everyone else. .." he said and paused for a bit, "Does he know where you are?" I opened my mouth to stutter when I noticed his downcast expression.

I scoffed,

"You know me?"

How did you know I was married to Luke?"

"Luke Hampton is the pride of this town, it wouldn't be unusual to know his wife. Plus, we've met, the Gregory Mandolin case, you were the representing lawyer."

I try to remember him but nothing came to me,

"Um, I'm sorry, I-I don't seem to recall meeting you."

"It's been a long time anyway."

"Sure." I cleared my throat and averted my gaze, feeling awkward.

"No offense, but your husband is an a-hole."

I almost choked,

"No offense."

"Ex-husband, and you're right Luke Hampton is a piece of work, you have no idea."

We both stop and laugh shortly,

The mood turned serious a little after that. "One last question. Do you know why Mr. Hampton has been allocating large funds to the center? Would you know anything about that?"

"Probably for my treatment."

"You're saying he did this to you?"

I don't say anything in regards and just let him assume, "We should drive up to the station so I can drop my statement, I need to get home."

He agreed,

We made it out to the station. I took his phone and called mama on the way, she was relieved to hear my voice,

Luke had told everyone I was in Dubai with the kids, he had my phone, and he would post pictures, fake pictures of me and the kids every once in a while, he even included texts, I don't know why I am surprised that a psycho like Luke would pull off a lie like that.

Mother was already waiting when I arrived at the station,

She wrapped her arms around me and let me cry for a while in her arms, then I was escorted into the room to give my statement. The officer happens to be an old friend of mine, I told her everything that happened word for word.

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